Page:Hofstede de Groot catalogue raisonné, Volume 1, 1908.djvu/314

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290 UABKIiLL MJJ7FSU SECT. 127. A Woman with a Mortar. A woman, seen at half-length, stands at a table, pounding something in a mortar. Panel, 9 inches by 8 inches. Sale. J. Danser Nijman, Amsterdam, August 16, 1797, No. 1 60 (40 florins). 127*7. A Woman washing Vegetables. Sale. Rotterdam, September 15, 1834, No. 64. 127^. A Woman paring Apples, with a Child. In the FrOhlich collection, Wilrzburg, 1863 (Parthey, ii. 113). 1 27*:. A Woman picking Beans. In the possession of Von Landauer, Stuttgart, before 1863 (Parthey, ii. H3)- 128. The Cook. Sm. Suppl. 17. A comely young woman, wearing a grey jacket, a blue apron, and a white cap, stands holding a dish of fish, which she has just taken from a Dutch oven on a dresser at her side. Two snipe hang from the ceiling; on the table is a white cloth. "This vigorous and masterly production is painted in a greyish hue, and with the breadth of Terburg " (Sm.). Canvas, 15 inches by J2| inches. In the collection of the Princess Augustina von Nassau, Countess Bismarck, Karlsruhe. In the possession of the dealer Burton, who sold it to Van der Schrieck of Louvain before 1842 (Sm.). Sale. D. van der Schrieck of Louvain, Brussels, April 8, 1861, No. 51 (5600 francs, Meffre). 129. A Man-Cook conversing at a Door. It makes a good im- pression, but is hung too high to be properly judged. At Buckingham Palace, 1854 (Waagen, ii. 7) ; but not in the 1885 catalogue. 130. A Maid-Servant pouring Liquid from a Glass into a small Metal Pot. -A half-length. The girl wears a broad-brimmed felt hat, a purple jacket, and a collar. Panel, 7 inches by 6 inches. Sale. Baron de Beurnonville, Paris, May 21, 1883, No. 70. 130*7. A Woman with a Kettle. Sale. Rev. J. Thomas, London, 1886 (173 : 55., Colnaghi). 131. A Peasant Family. A woman sits washing vegetables beside a cask standing end up, with a bottle and glass on it. She converses with a man who stands to the left smoking a clay pipe. Near her are two children. Canvas, 19 inches by 16 inches. Sale. A. Banner, Cologne, September 30, 1889, No. 83. 132. A Woman scouring a Kettle. She holds the kettle on a cask.