Page:Hofstede de Groot catalogue raisonné, Volume 1, 1908.djvu/326

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302 GABRIEL METSU SECT. Sales. Izaak Hoogenbergh, Amsterdam, April 10, 1743, No. 21 (60 florins, with pendant). Amsterdam, October 16, 1815, No. 65 (27 florins, Roos). i6ir. A Man with a Flute. He sits at a table, with music spread out upon it. Panel, n inches by 10 inches. Possibly identical with b. Sale. Amsterdam, July 16, 1819, No. 104 (20 florins, Roos). 162. THE MUSIC-LOVERS (or, A Lady playing on the Lute). Sm. 82. A young lady, seated in profile to the left at a table, seems to beat time to the melody of a lute played by a young lady standing behind her to the left. She holds a pen in her right hand, and grasps with her left the sheet of paper lying on the table, but she is gazing abstractedly in front of her. She wears a yellow silk skirt, a cherry-coloured velvet jacket trimmed with white fur, a pearl-grey apron, and a white cap with a black veil. To the right behind her chair stands a man in black, who watches her with an ironic smile ; he holds his hat in his left hand. The lute-player stands behind the table, almost facing the spectator, and wears a black dress cut low at the neck. On the table, covered with a Persian carpet, are a pewter inkstand, music, and books. In the left background is a chimney-piece supported on columns, with a frieze of Cupids; above it hangs a picture. A chandelier is suspended from the ceiling. In the right foreground is a little dog. " A beautiful production " (Sm.). Signed in full on the door ; panel, 23 inches by 17! inches. Engraved by Watson, and in the " Musee Franais." In the collection of G. van Slingelandt (not mentioned by Hoet). In the cabinet of the Stadtholder William V. (Terw. 702). At the Louvre, 1795-1815, and then restored to Holland. Now in the Royal Picture Gallery at The Hague, 1905 catalogue, No. 94. 1620. A Group playing and singing. Sale. Herman van Swoll, Amsterdam, April 22, 1699, No. 67 (65 florins). 162^. A Young Lady at Music. Sale. Hendrik Sorgh, Amsterdam, March 28, 1720, No. 29 (24 florins 10). i62c. A Concert of several Persons. By Metsu or G. ter Borch. 33 inches by 32^ inches. Sale. Fraula, Brussels, July 12, 1738, No. no (160 florins). 162^. A Young Lady in a Silk Gown at Music with a Gentle- man. i6 inches by 13 inches. Possibly identical with "The Music Lesson" (155), or "The Duet" (H9)- Sale. Lambert Witsen, Amsterdam, May 25, 1746, No. 4 (1010 florins).