Page:Hofstede de Groot catalogue raisonné, Volume 1, 1908.djvu/328

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304 GABRIEL METSU SECT. plaster cast, and a palette with brushes. In the background is an unfinished picture on an easel. Signed in full ; panel, y| inches by 6J inches. Sale. The widow H. F. V. Usselino, nee Tollens, Amsterdam, January 30, 1866, No. 75 (200 florins, Van Rheenen). 1 65*7 . The Singing Lesson. In a park at the entrance to a castle are a lady and a gentleman, to the right. The man, who has his back to the spectator, sits on a stone bench tuning a lute ; an open music-book lies on the top of the seat. Behind him to the left stands the lady, look- ing at him and almost facing the spectator. She wears a yellow silk dress, a lace collar, and a black cap ; she holds in her arms a little dog, which a bigger dog to the left watches with jealous looks. Despite the signature, experts who have seen it say that it is the work of Joost van Geel. Signed in full on the music- book ; panel, 18 inches by 14 inches. Sale. H. D. Roussel, Brussels, May 23, 1893, No. 53. 1 66. The Man playing the Guitar. Panel, 16 inches by 13 inches. Sale. London, May 8, 1905, No. 79. 167. A YOUNG MAN AND WOMAN AT TABLE (or, The Repast). Sm. 91. To the right of a table sits a young woman, wearing a purple skirt, a red bodice, and a black apron. She fills her tall glass from an earthenware jug, and looks up with a smile at a young man in brown, who sits to the left behind the table facing the, spectator. The man offers her a dish with his right hand, and with the left takes his glass, standing to the front of the table. The table is covered with an Oriental carpet, over which a white cloth is spread. A plate and knife are laid in front of the woman. In the left background is a green curtain, partly drawn ; to the right is an open door. Signed in full at the top ; canvas on wood, 14^- inches by 12 inches. Sale. W. Lormier, The Hague, July 4, 1763, No. 181 (605 florins). In the Van Heteren Collection, 1809, which passed into the Rijksmuseum before 1833 (Sm.). Now in the Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam, 1905 catalogue, No. 1553 (old No. 907). 1 68. THE COLLATION. Sm. 34 and Suppl. 34. A young lady, wearing a white silk bodice embroidered with flowers, a violet silk skirt and a white cap, sits almost facing the spectator, but slightly inclined to the left. She holds a wine-glass in her left hand, and with the right motions to a cavalier standing behind her to the left not to fill her glass. The cavalier, who is dressed in grey, rests his left hand, grasping his black hat, on the back of the lady's chair, and holds an earthenware jug in his right. From the left background comes a maid-servant with a plate of cherries. In the left foreground is a table upon which are a silver sugar- basin and a gaufre on a plate. It is a good but not an exceptionally distinguished picture.