Page:Hofstede de Groot catalogue raisonné, Volume 1, 1908.djvu/332

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3 o8 GABRIEL METSU SECT. that she is intoxicated, and watches her attentively. On the wall are various accessories. Canvas on panel, 14 inches by 12 inches. Very similar to the picture in the Schloss collection (173). Sales. J. van der Marck, Amsterdam, August 25, 1773, No. 177 (355 florins, Fouquet). (Probably) Prince de Conti, Paris, March 15, 1779 (920 francs); but the dimensions of this were given as 12 inches by 10 inches. Probably (Sm.) the picture in the possession of Etienne Le Roy, Brussels, before 1842 (priced at 2000 francs). 175^. A Love Scene in a Kitchen. A woman seated at a table before a window is washing vegetables while a man is courting her. At the back another man puts a glass on a chest of drawers. Some vegetables lie in the foreground. Sale. B. Mallinus, Brussels, September 22, 1842, No. 16. 1 75^. A Lady hands a Glass of Wine to a Gentleman who is seated. Panel, 15^ inches by 13^ inches. In the Weyer collection, Cologne, 1863 (Parthey, ii. 113). 175*. A Woman with a Glass and a Man with a Pipe. Panel, 14 inches by u inches. Possibly identical with 175*7. Sale. M. Wolff, Berlin, May 25, 1857, No. 370. ijSf- A Woman holding a Jug and a Man behind her. Possibly identical with 173. Exhibited at Leeds, 1868, No. 573, by Baron de Ferrieres. 176. A Man conversing with a Woman, who offers him a Glass of Wine. In the background to the right is a maid-servant. Signed "G. Metsu"; canvas, 15^ inches by 13! inches. Described by Waagen (i. 328). Exhibited in Vienna, 1873, No. 120. Possibly the picture once in the collection of H. Verschuuring. In the collection of Anselm von Rothschild, Vienna. 177. A Lady and Gentleman at Wine. A lady in a red bodice pours wine from a bottle into a glass ; a man in a broad-brimmed hat sits beside her. At the back is an old woman with a dish. The figures are half-length. Panel, 13 inches by io| inches. Exhibited at the Royal Academy Winter Exhibition, 1882, No. 92. Then in the collection of John Walter, Bearwood. 178. A YOUNG MAN AND A YOUNG WOMAN. Sm. 93. To the left beside a table sits a cavalier dressed in brown, with a slouch hat and red top-boots. He turns to the right and lights his pipe from a brazier which he lifts from the table. A young woman, standing behind