Page:Hofstede de Groot catalogue raisonné, Volume 1, 1908.djvu/367

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in GERARD DOU 343 CATALOGUE RAISONNE 1. THE BLIND TOBIT WELCOMING HIS SON. Sm. 140; M. i. The old Tobit is made aware of his son's approach by his dog, which fawns upon him. He goes towards his son with arms out- stretched. The angel stands at the door. In the room are a table, a spinning-wheel, a jug, and other objects. Canvas, 42 inches by 52^ inches. Described by Le Brun, by Waager (Suppl. p. 392-93), and by Dohme (p. n). Sale. G. Braamcamp, Amsterdam, July 31, 1771, No. 52 (290 florins, P. Yver). In the collection of Lord Arundell of Wardour. 2. TOBIAS HEALS HIS FATHER. Sm. 135; M. 2. The old Tobit sits in an arm-chair near the open window in a large room; the young Tobias stands beside him, anointing his eyes with the salve. The aged wife looks on. The angel in white stands behind Tobit's chair. Two boys are spectators. A dog lies beside the chair. In the right fore- ground are a tub, a pewter-pot, and other objects on the floor. To the left is a table with a cloth, upon which is a dish of meat. On the floor beside the table are a brass jug and a copper pot. Panel, 20 inches by 26 inches. In the collection of William Smith, 1819 (sold to Emmerson for ^105). In the collection of George Morant, 1829 (who paid ^315 for it, according to Sm.). In the collection of Lord Ribblesdale, London. 3. Tobias heals his Father. Old Tobit's wife holds a candle and grasps his hands. Near her are a girl and several other persons. At the back a fire burns on the hearth, with some figures near it. There are in all four sources of light. Canvas, 26 inches by 31 inches. Sale. Boymans, Utrecht, August 31, 1811, No. C. 29. 4. Tobias heals his Father. M. 3. The father Tobit wears a fur coat and sits in profile, leaning back in his chair. The son stands beside him and strokes his eyes with a feather. The mother, with spectacles on nose, leans on her stick and looks on. The angel stands beside Tobit's chair and looks towards the spectator. A dog lies in the fore- ground. In the room are a bird-cage, a reel, a kettle, a shovel, and a rope. Signed with the monogram ; canvas, 28^ inches by 36 inches. Attributed to Lastman before 1792. In the Brabeck Gallery, at Hildesheim, in 1792 (F. W. Ramdohr's catalogue, No. 115). Sale. Von Stolberg, S5der in Hanover, October 31, 1859 (Parthey, i. p. 350, No. i).