Page:Hofstede de Groot catalogue raisonné, Volume 1, 1908.djvu/377

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in GERARD DOU 353 is a vault. On a table, in the middle distance to the right, are a lighted candle, a skull, and a basket. Panel, 16 inches by 12 inches. Sale. Donquers, Bruges, May 31, 1887. 30. THE HERMIT. A hermit sits beside a tree, writing in a large book. In front of him are a skull, crucifix, hour-glass, and several books. A lighted lamp hanging from a branch illumines the scene. n| inches by 10 inches. Sale. Heymer, Berlin, November 5, 1889, No. 125. 30*7. An Old Man praying. A half-length of a bald-headed old man with grey moustache and whiskers, who is turned three-quarters to the left. With bowed head he is praying ; in his clasped hands is a rosary. Panel, 27^ inches by 22 inches. Sale. Countess Reigersberg, Cologne, October 15, 1890, No. 43. 30^. A Monk at his Studies. A half-length, facing almost left. He sits meditating at a table, and leans his head, with its long, grey beard, on his left hand. On the table a large book lies open ; near it is a basket of fruit. Signed on the book ; panel, 14 inches by n inches. Sale. Countess Reigersberg, Cologne, October i 5, 1 890, No. 44. 31. The Hermit. M. 26 and 26^. A hermit reading a Bible. Signed "G. D. F." ; panel, 1 1 inches by 8 inches. Sale. (Possibly) J. A. van Dam, Dordrecht, June I, 1829, No. 34 (115 florins, Exfordt). Exhibited at Copenhagen, 1891. Now in the Kaffka collection, Copenhagen. 31^. A Hermit. n^ inches by 14 inches. Sale. London, February 13, 1904, No. 6. 31*. A HERMIT. 1 8 inches by 14 inches. Sale. -London, February 13, 1904, No. 70. 32. The Triumph of Venus. Venus stands on a pedestal, holding two burning hearts. Numerous figures look at her. Cupid hovers about her, and hurls his flaming darts. To the left a man reclines, leaning on his mistress's knee ; he transfixes his heart with one of the darts. To the right a lady does the same. Sale. B. Mallinus, Brussels, September 22, 1842, No. 22. 33. AN OLD MAN LOOKING DOWN TO THE RIGHT. A half-length, without the hands. The old man has a grey beard and a fringe of white hair round the bald top of his head. His forehead and the dark grey-green background to the right of his head are highly VOL. i 2 A