Page:Hofstede de Groot catalogue raisonné, Volume 1, 1908.djvu/386

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362 GERARD DOU SECT. 58*:. An Old Man cutting a Pen. M. 740. An old man sits in his study at a table on which are a book, a globe, and a figure of Mercury. He wears spectacles and a cap. 9! inches by /J inches. Sales. Leyden, August 26, 1788. Amsterdam, January 25, 1825 (184 florins, Esser), and August 25, 1825 (200 florins). Widow of P. J. Oosthuyse van Rijsenburg, nee M. de Jongh, The Hague, October 18, 1847, No. 4. 59. An Old Man cutting a Pen. M. 74^. In a room an old scholar, wearing a purple velvet jacket trimmed with fur, sits at a table with a blue cloth. He examines a pen which he holds in his left hand ; he has a penknife in his right. On the table lie an open book, a skull, and a cash-box. On a pillar at one side hang a sword and a shield. In the background is a bookshelf. An early work in the style of 46. Panel, 14 inches by 8 inches. Sales. Pieter Testas, Amsterdam, March 20, 1757, No. 36 (52 florins). Reyersbergen van Couwerven, Leyden, July 31, 1765, No. 16 (200 florins). Motte, Amsterdam, August 20, 1794 (101 florins, Yver). Comte de Robiano, Brussels, May i, 1837, No. 149 (300 francs). D. van der Schrieck of Louvain, Brussels, April 10, 1861 (1225 francs, Warneck). 59^. A Scholar cutting his Pen. Panel, 16 inches by 12 inches. Sale. London, April 7, 1902, No. 73. 60. AN OLD SCHOOLMASTER. Sm. 4 ; M. 77. An old schoolmaster, holding a ferule, sits almost facing the spectator at a table with a desk on it. He is teaching a boy, who stands near, to read. Another boy stands in the left foreground learning his lesson. At the back are four other pupils. The room, to the right of which is a pillar, is Dou's studio, and the schoolmaster is Dou's father. The figures are seen at three-quarter length. A good picture. Signed in full on the right, near the schoolmaster's back, and dated 1645 j panel, 10 inches by 7 inches. Described by Waagen (iii. 448) ; see Martin, ch. ii. The picture of the 1713 sale is probably that at Dresden (137). Now in the Fitzwilliam Museum, Cambridge, No. 33. 6 1. An old Schoolmaster. M. 80. Painted in 1672 ; panel, 7 inches by 5 inches. Exported to Cincinnati by Chr. Springer. In the collection of Andrew Burt, Cincinnati. In the collection of W. M'Alpin ; exhibited on loan in the Cincinnati Museum. 6ia. A Schoolmaster. Panel, 13^ inches by nj inches. Sale. London, January 30, 1905, No. 96.