Page:Hofstede de Groot catalogue raisonné, Volume 1, 1908.djvu/396

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372 GERARD DOU SECT. 85^. A small Woman's Head. Sale. Isaac van den Blooken, Amsterdam, May n, 1707, No. 32 (20 florins). 85*:. A Woman with a Fur-trimmed Cloak. Sm. n ; M. 213. Panel, 7 inches by 6 inches. Possibly a pendant to the "Portrait of a Boy" (338) ; possibly identical with the " Portrait of a Woman" (365) in the National Gallery, London. Sale. W. Lormier, The Hague, July 4, 1763 (120 florins, Yver) ; see Hoet, ii. 421. 85^. A Woman in Turkish Dress. M. 81*7. By G. Dou or in his manner. Panel, 8 inches by 6 inches. [Pendant to 37.] Sale. J. A. van Lank, Amsterdam, October 29, 1829, No. 6 (70 florins, Chaplin with pendant). 86. A Young Girl laughing. A half-length. A girl with her neck bare is dressed in a yellow gown, over which is a black silk cloak trimmed with fur. Described in the old Flemish catalogues as " La grosse rejouisse." Signed in full j panel, 6 inches by 5 inches. Sale. Bugge, Copenhagen, August 21, 1837, No. 161. 87. Rembrandt's Wife as a Jewish Bride. Exhibited at Manchester, 1857, No. 692 ; lent by Wadmore. Sales. London, June i, 1861, and June 5, 1863. 88. Portrait of a Young Girl. She holds a book in her left hand and makes a gesture with her right. She almost faces the spectator. She has fair hair and is bareheaded. Signed " Dov " ; oval panel, 6 inches by 4 inches. Mentioned in the Pommersfelden catalogues of 1719 and 1746. Sale. Count Schonborn of Pommersfelden, Paris, May 18, 1867, No. 23 (13,000 francs). 88*. A Young Dutch Lady. Half-length. Panel, 10 inches by 8 inches. In the collection of Count Latour. Sale. A. Pachner von Eggenstorf, Vienna, December 14, 1870, No. 6. 89. AN OLD WOMAN IN A RED CLOAK TRIMMED WITH FUR. M. 192. The old woman is half turned to the left. She wears a red cap with a yellow veil. Under her red cloak is seen her white chemisette. She holds her gloved left hand before her bosom. The woman is the same model as in the Boymans Museum picture (359). [A pendant to 319.] Signed in full to the left on a level with the eyes. Panel, 6 J inches by 5 inches. Sale. Amsterdam, September 7, 1803, No. 41 (700 florins, with pendant). In a private collection at Arnhem. Tn the collection of L. Swaab at The Hague. Now in the collection of G. von Hoschek, Prague.