Page:Hofstede de Groot catalogue raisonné, Volume 1, 1908.djvu/404

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380 GERARD DOU SECT. Taken by the French at the conquest of Holland, and sent to the Louvre, but returned in 1815. Now in the Royal Picture Gallery, The Hague, 1904 catalogue, No. 32. in. A WOMAN WITH AN INFANT AND A CRADLE (or, The Carpenter's Family). M. 307. A young mother, who is giving her infant the breast, sits facing right in a room. To the right behind her a little girl blows a toy trumpet at the child. On the right is the hearth, with a mortar, a plate, and other things on the mantelpiece. A kettle hangs over the fire. In the right foreground are a plate, a pot, and a cat ; a string of onions hangs above them. In the left foreground is the empty cradle. At the back is seen an adjoining room in which a carpenter is at work planing. [Pendant to 112.] Signed in full j panel, 19 inches by 14^ inches. See Martin, p. 67. Sale. Due de Choiseul, Paris, December 10, 1787. Now at Buckingham Palace, London, 1885 catalogue, No. 18. 112. A WOMAN WITH AN INFANT AND A CRADLE (or, The Nursery). Sm. 70 ; M. 306. A woman, wearing a blue jacket trimmed with fur and a red skirt, sits in a well-furnished room, giving her infant the breast. A girl, whose left hand rests on a table, plays with the child. On the table, which is covered with a Turkey carpet, are a book and a candlestick. To the right of the mother is an empty cradle. Behind it is a bed. In the left background is seen an adjoining room, in which are a man reading and a woman. In the left foreground is a bench. A chandelier and an embroidered curtain hang from the ceiling. Waagen, judging by the cool tone of the picture, thought it a late work. " Probably the fifth in quality and excellence of the painter's productions " (Sm.). [Pendant to in.] Panel, 19^ inches by 14-^ inches. See Martin, p. 67 ; described by Waagen, ii. 168. Exhibited at Leyden, 1906. A copy by Van Tol is at Amsterdam. Sales. (Possibly) Jan van Beuningen, Amsterdam, May 13, 1716, No. 58 (1310 florins) ; perhaps to be identified with in. Due de Choiseul, Paris, December 10, 1787. Due de Praslin, Paris, 1793 (33,500 francs), according to Sm. Choiseul-Praslin, Paris, 1808 (18,000 francs), according to Sm. De la Hante, London, 1814. In the collection of Earl Grosvenor, 1829 (Sm.). Now in the collection of the Duke of Westminster, London, 1888 catalogue (No. 34). 113. A Triptych: the centre, A Woman with a Child at the Breast ; the left wing, An Evening School ; the right wing, A Man cutting a Pen. Sm. 38 and Suppl. 28, 29, 30 ; M. 304. The centre panel shows a handsomely furnished room. A woman has taken her infant out of its cradle and given it the breast. She wears a yellow silk skirt embroidered with silver, and a purple velvet jacket trimmed with fur. On the left is seen an adjoining room, where a peasant undergoes an