Page:Hofstede de Groot catalogue raisonné, Volume 1, 1908.djvu/422

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398 GERARD DOU SECT. 155^. A Musician with a Glass at a Window. Panel, io inches by 8 inches. Sale. Bibby, London, June 3, 1899, No. 136. . A Violin-Player at a Window. Panel, 14 inches by 10 inches. Sale. Manley Sims and others, London, March 23, 1903, No. 113. 155?. A Man with a Glass at a Window. Panel, 9! inches by 7! inches. Sale. London, January 30, 1905, No. 87. 156. AN OLD WOMAN AT A DOOR. Sm. 122 ; M. 238.- At the stone-framed door of a house an old woman looks to the right with a beseeching gesture. The lower half-door is closed. The woman is seen at half-length. Signed in full above to the left j panel, u| inches by 8 inches. In the Electoral Gallery, Munich. Now in the Aeltere Pinakothek, Munich, 1904 catalogue, No. 402. 156*7. A Woman at a Window. M. 2370. Seen in Dou's studio, 1663, by Monconys (Ned. Kunstbode, 1880, p. 413). 156^. An Old Woman at an Arched Window. Sale. Jan van Beuningen, Amsterdam, May 13, 1716, No. 75 (135 florins). 156^. A Woman at an Arched Window. Sale. Amsterdam, September 17, 1727, No. 2 (320 florins). 156^. An Old Woman with a Book. At a window a well-dressed old woman is seated with an open book in her lap, on which she rests her hands. Panel. Sale. Amsterdam, March 2, 1829, No. 35 (150 florins, Gruyter). 157. A Woman with a Nautilus Cup. M. 245. At a window a woman sits, looking at the spectator. She wears a velvet cloak trimmed with fur. She holds a fine cup made out of a nautilus shell with a silver- gilt foot. Before her is a table with a green cloth, on which are a gold vase and a liqueur bottle. At the back is a window ; to the right hangs a picture. Signed in full ; panel, 6 inches by inches. Sale. E. Secretan, Paris, July i, 1889, No. 108 (10,200 francs). 1570. A Girl at a Window. Sale. D. Grenier, Middelburg, August 18, 1712, No. 116 (121 florins). i57/>. A Girl at a Window. In the Woodburn collection. Exhibited at Leeds, 1868, No. 668, by the owner, Henry Harvey.