Page:Hofstede de Groot catalogue raisonné, Volume 1, 1908.djvu/429

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in GERARD DOU 405 A Girl with a Bunch of Grapes at a Window. M. 228*7. In the possession of Diego Duarte, Amsterdam, 1682 (see " Oude Tijd," 1870, p. 400). 175. AN OLD WOMAN AT A WINDOW (Or, The Frugal Meal). Sm. Suppl. 72 ; M. 239. At an arched window of stone, an old woman is eating with a spoon from an earthenware pot which she holds in one hand. She wears a white cap and kerchief and a red jacket. <c Painted in a broad and free style " (Sm.). Signed on the window-frame "G. Dou" ; panel io| inches by 8| inches. In the collection of Baron Delessert, Paris, 1842 (Sm.). Sales. Baron Delessert, Paris, March 15, 1869, No. 19 (7500 francs). B. Narischkine, Paris, April 5, 1883, No. 12 (13,000 francs). 176. A WOMAN WITH A DEAD COCK. Sm. 6 3; M. 248. At an arched window, a maid-servant stands, hanging up a dead cock on a nail to the left. She rests her left hand on a copper market-pail, standing on the window-sill. To the right are a pewter pot with the lid open and a candlestick with a heavy foot. The girl wears a red bodice and a white kerchief. On the right hangs a bird-cage. The girl is seen at half-length. This is one of the brightly coloured pictures. Signed in full on the window-sill and dated 1650 ; panel, io inches by 8 inches. Engraved by Geraut. Sales (according to Sm.). Montribloud, Paris, February 9, 1 784(2000 florins). Calonne, Paris, April 21, 1788 (withdrawn). Cl. Tolozan, Paris, February 23, 1801 (2320 francs). An alternative theory is that it was in the collection of Louis XV., and thus passed to the Louvre. Valued by the experts of the Louvre in 1816 (at 18,000 francs). Now in the Louvre, 1900 catalogue, No. 2353 (old No. 126). 176^. A Maid-Servant at a Window. M. 237^. A creeping plant and a market-pail with a hen in it are among the accessories. In the De Bye collection, Leyden, 1665 (see Martin, Appendix iv.). 177. A MAID -SERVANT AT A WINDOW. Sm. 121 ; M. 231. At an arched window, a maid-servant empties water out of a large brass pan which she holds in both, hands. Her dress is tucked up, and partly open at the neck. She wears a small cap and looks at the spectator. On the right of the window is a bird-cage ; a pot of flowers stands on the window-sill, near a carpet. Beneath the window is the well-known bas-relief of children at play, by Duquesnoy. To the left of the maid-servant is seen the room behind her ; a woman sits at a window and cuts bread for a boy who is saying grace. A shelf for plates and jugs is fixed on the wall ; near it is the hearth. Signed in full on the bird-cage high up to the right ; panel, 14^ inches by ii inches. In the Electoral Gallery, Mannheim. Now in the Aeltere Pinakothek, Munich, 1904 catalogue, No. 405 where it was in 1829 (Sm.).