Page:Hofstede de Groot catalogue raisonné, Volume 1, 1908.djvu/457

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in GERARD DOU 433 Sales. Jaques Meyers, Rotterdam, September 9, 1722, No. 93 (330 florins). Count Plettenberg, Amsterdam, April 2, 1738, No. 59 (310 florins not in the second sale of April 1 1, 1743, as Sm. and Martin state. Sold by Lormier to Voyer d'Argenson, 1746 (1150 florins) see note in Lormier's store-catalogue preserved at the Mauritshuis. Sale. Gaignat, Paris, December 1768 (Diderot for the Empress Catherine II. together with the two pendants, a Murillo and a Van Loo, for 17,535 livres). Now in the Hermitage Palace, St. Petersburg, 1901 catalogue, No. 910. 264. A NUDE WOMAN COMBING HER HAIR. Sm. 34 and Suppl. 23 ; M. 357. A fair young woman without her clothes sits beside a basin at the foot of a withered tree. Her left foot is in the water. Her figure is turned to the left, but she looks round at the spectator. She is combing her hair. Round her neck is a gold chain. In the left foreground is the basin ; on the right are a large thistle and other plants. At the back is a stone building with arches, through one of which is seen a distant landscape with a town and hills. Signed in full in the right-hand corner ; panel, 10 inches by y| inches. Pendant to 262 and 263. Described by Descamps. A copy by the younger Dou was in the sale, J. Meyers, Rotterdam, September 9, 1722, No. 232 (68 florins). In the De Bye collection, Leyden, 1665, No. 16. Sales. Jaques Meyers, Rotterdam, September 9, 1722, No. 92 (355 florins). Plettenberg, Amsterdam, April 2, 1738, No. 58 (380 florins) not in the second sale of 1743, as Sm. and Martin state. Sold by Lormier to Voyer d'Argenson, 1746 (1050 florins). Sale. Gaignat, Paris, December 1768 (Empress Catherine II.) for price see 263. Now in the Hermitage Palace, St Petersburg, 1901 catalogue, No. 912. 264*7. A Nude Woman combing her Hair. M. 358*7. 5 inches by 3^ inches. Sale. Count Fraula, Brussels, July 21, 1783, No. 144 (16 florins). 264^. A Nude Woman. Sale. Amsterdam, April 15, 1739, No. 241 (20 florins). 264*-. A Woman Bathing. Sale. Joseph Sonsot, Brussels, July 20, 1739, No. 27 (25 florins). 265. A Nude Woman holding a Mirror. A variety. 72 inches by 60 inches. Sales. Plettenberg, Amsterdam, April 2, 1738, No. 60 (230 florins), and April n, 1743, No. 13 (40 florins). Pieter Testas, Amsterdam, March 29, 1757, No. 9 (130 florins). VOL. I 2 F