Page:Hofstede de Groot catalogue raisonné, Volume 1, 1908.djvu/459

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in GERARD DOU 435 hangs from the ceiling. In the right background near a pillar are a book- shelf, an earthenware pot, and a mussel-shell. Signed in full on the table to the left and dated 1647 > panel, 17 inches by 13^ inches. In the Dresden inventory, 1722, A. 529. Now in the Dresden Gallery, 1905 catalogue, No. 1704. 270. PORTRAIT OF THE PAINTER. Sm. Suppl. 59 ; M. 101. He sits at a window, with his right hand on a skull upon the window-sill and his left hand stretched out. He wears a brown costume and a broad-brimmed hat turned up in front. A curtain hangs behind him. Beneath the window-sill is Duquesnoy's bas-relief of children playing with a he-goat. Signed in full and dated 1658 ; panel, 2o| inches by 1 6 inches. See Houbraken, i. 269. Now in the Uffizi Gallery, Florence, 1891 catalogue, No. 449; it was there in 1842 (Sm.). 271. PORTRAIT OF THE PAINTER. A half-length. He stands at a window-sill decorated in a baroque style, holding a palette in his left hand and resting his right hand on an open folio, which lies, with other books, on the sill. In the right background is an anatomical figure. The painter is dressed in yellowish brown ; a greenish-brown curtain hangs at the window. In the collection of the late Baroness von Rothschild, Frankfort. 272. PORTRAIT OF THE PAINTER. Sm. 98 and Suppl. 57; M. 105. A half-length. He faces the spectator ; his figure is turned three-quarters left. He wears a dark cap ; his long curls fall on his white collar. In his left hand he holds a pipe ; his right hand is not visible. Over his left shoulder he has thrown his cloak. Signed in full on the right at the height of the shoulder ; panel, 7^ inches by 5| inches, oval. Described by Waagen (i. 355), and Moes, Iconographia atava, 2096, No. 14. [Compare 43.] Sales. (Possibly) P. Locquet, Amsterdam, September 22, 1783, No. 76 (57 florins, Van Braam Helsdingen). A. C. Putman, Amsterdam, August 17, 1803, No. 23 (180 florins, Roos). Paignon Dijonval, Paris, December 17, 1821 ; bought as a whole by Emmerson. Jeremiah Harman, London, May 17, 1844 (bought for the National Gallery). Now in the National Gallery, London, 1906 catalogue, No. 192. 273. PORTRAIT OF THE PAINTER. Sm. 97 ; M. 106. A half-length. He is turned three-quarters right and looks at the spectator. He is about twenty-two, and has a small moustache and pointed beard. He wears a dark grey jacket, a white collar, and a grey cap with a red corner. " Painted upon the principle of his master Rembrandt, with the addition of his own light touch" (Sm.).