Page:Hofstede de Groot catalogue raisonné, Volume 1, 1908.djvu/468

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GERARD DOU SECT. himself, but the artist is of the type familiarised in Rembrandt's early portraits of himself. It is an early work. In the possession of the dealer Ch. Sedclmeycr, Paris, 1894, No. 8. 312. REMBRANDT IN HIS STUDIO. M. 129. He stands with palette and brushes in his hand in front of his easel, upon which is a picture of " Repose on the Flight into Egypt." To the right is a pillar, on which hang a cloak and a wallet. On the left-hand wall are a sunshade and a portrait of Rembrandt's. A person enters at a door in the left background. In the right foreground are a shield and other objects. An early work. [Cf. 64.] Panel, 21 inches by 25 inches. See Michel, Rembrandt, p. 36 ; Ned. Spectator, 1894, p. 107 ; Martin, pp. 30-36. Now in the collection of Sir F. Cook, Bart., Richmond. 313. Portrait of a Man. Probably a portrait of Rembrandt, as it is called in an inventory of 1761. It is doubtful whether it is by Dou. It is rather the work of a painter like Verdoel. ii inches by 8 inches. Now in the Schleissheim Gallery, 1885 catalogue, No. 455. 314. Portrait of Spancier de Fijne. With cap and collar. Panel. Sale. Amsterdam, May 10, 1830, No. 29 (50 florins, Gruyter). 315. Portraits of Spiering, his Wife, and Daughter. Sm. 136 ; M. 157. Spiering sits in his study at a table covered with a Turkey carpet. His wife sits in an arm-chair beside him, while his daughter, who is standing, hands her mother a book. Mentioned by Sandrart (ii. 321); Houbraken (ii. 3); Descamps ; Martin (ch. ii.) ; Moes, 7461, No. i. In Spiering's possession at The Hague between 1637 an{ ^ ! 64i, seen by Sandrart. Painted for the Swedish Royal House (Sm.). Sale. Amsterdam, July 5, 1833, No. 4 (380 florins, Engelberts). 316. Portrait of the Burgomaster Tulp. By Dou, or in his manner. Sale. W. van Haansbergen, The Hague, June 19, 1755, No. 60 (25 florins, Wannaar). 317. PORTRAIT OF A PAINTER. Sm. no; M. 142. An old artist stands in front of his easel. On a table before him are a plaster bust, a dead peacock, an open book, a copper pot, and other things. It cannot be the portrait of J. Ovens, as has been alleged, since he was not born till 1623. "A slight and freely painted picture" (Sm.). Signed in full under the book and dated 1649 ; panel, 26^ inches by 21 inches. In the Electoral Gallery, Munich. Now in the Aeltcre Pinakothek, Munich, 1904 catalogue, No. 393.