Page:Hofstede de Groot catalogue raisonné, Volume 1, 1908.djvu/483

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111 GERARD DOU 459 3690. A Lady in an Arm-chair. Canvas, 8 inches by 6 inches. Sale. Rotterdam, June 9, 1828, No. 19. 369^. Portrait of a Woman. Panel, 9 inches by 7 inches. Sale. F. M. Netscher, Rotterdam, April 8, 1829, No. 21 (81 florins, Hulswit). 369^. Portrait of a Woman. Panel, 6 inches by 4! inches. Sale. P. J. de Marneffe, Brussels, May 24, 1830, No. 97." 370. Portrait of a Woman. Silver, 9 inches by 7 inches. Sale. Amsterdam, April i, 1833, No. 40 (2 florins 50, Roos). 370^. Portrait of a Lady of Rank. Panel, 8 inches by 7 inches. Sale. Amsterdam, July u, 1836, No. 34. 370^. Portrait of a Woman. Copper, 7 inches by 5 inches, oval. Sale. Bleuland, Utrecht, May 6, 1839, No. 56. 371. Portrait of a Woman. M. 193. She wears a white cap and a black velvet jacket. Panel, 6-J inches by 5 inches, with rounded top. Sale. Jonkheer E. J. de la Court van Valkenswaard, Dordrecht, April 12, 1847, No. 39 (100 florins, Barton). 3710. Portrait of a Woman. A half-length, turned three-quarters left. She wears a black velvet dress trimmed with lace, a gold chain, a stiff collar, and a lace cap. [Pendant to 332^.] Signed in the upper right-hand corner "G. D. W. 1637, aetatis 48 " ; panel, 29 inches by 22 inches. Sale. St. Remy zur Biesen and others, Cologne, December 9, 1892, No. 45 ; pendant to No. 44. 371^. Head of a Woman. She wears a brown dress and a black cap. Panel, 16 inches by I2| inches. Sale. Corbett Winder and others, London, June 17, 1905, No. 46. 372. Portrait of a Lady of Rank. A three-quarter length, slightly turned to the left. She wears a black dress, a cap, a white collar, and lace ruffles. Her right hand rests on a table, upon which are a book and a casket. A draped curtain hangs in the background. Pendant to 333, " A Man of Rank." Panel, 19 inches by 15 inches, oval. Sale. Marquis de Forbin-Jonson, Paris, December 3, 1906, No. 24 ; pendant to No. 25.