Page:Hofstede de Groot catalogue raisonné, Volume 1, 1908.djvu/486

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462 GERARD DOU SECT. Signed in full under the cat and dated 1657 ; panel, 13^ inches by 10^ inches. In the Dresden inventory of 1722, A. 587. Now in the Dresden Gallery, 1905 catalogue, No. 1705. 382. THE DOG. Sm. 59 and Suppl. 47 ; M. 361. A wire-haired spotted dog lies on a table asleep. On the sill to the right is a large red earthenware pot, with a straw basket behind it, a faggot on the extreme right, and a wooden shoe. The background is a greyish black. The dog is very delicately and brilliantly painted in a warm whitish-yellow tone. Signed and dated 1650 ; panel, 6J inches by 9 inches. A copy or replica was in the sale, H. Twent, Leyden, August II, 1789. Sales. Pompe van Meerdervoort, May 19, 1780 (Cremer). Th. Th. Cremer, Rotterdam, April 16, 1816, No. 18 (900 florins, Josi). Jurriaens, Amsterdam, August 28, 1817, No. n (1199 florins, Cranenburg). G. Th. M. Baron van Brienen van de Grootelindt, of Amsterdam, Paris, May 8, 1865, No. 6 (22,000 francs). In the collection of the late Baroness von Rothschild, Frankfort. 383. A dead Rabbit. Exhibited at Manchester, 1857, No. 408 ; lent by R. Napier. 384. A Forest with Robbers. M. 360. A large picture. In the collection of Lord Arundel, Wardour Castle, 1854 (Waagen, iii. 71). 385. A Landscape, with a He-Goat resting. M. 359. In the distance are the very small figures of a shepherd and shepherdess. Probably in the De Bye collection, Leyden, 1665, No. 7, entitled "A He-Goat and a Landscape." Exhibited at Manchester, 1857, No. 1039 (see Burger, p. 258); lent by- Edward Lloyd. 386. A He-Goat and four Goats. M. 359*. 7 inches by 9^ inches. In the collection of Prince Eugene of Savoy, 1782 (see Vesme). 387. A Church. Sale. Amsterdam, May 15, 1708, No. 14 (15 florins). 3870. Vanity. M. 370. On a table with a green cloth lies, to the right, a portfolio of drawings, with a skull upon it. A folio of Vesalius' Anatomy is propped up, open, against a globe behind. To the right, on two drawings, after Rembrandt and Rubens, is placed a portrait of a man ; this, like a picture on the wall in the left background, seems to have been painted after Rembrandt. In the right background is a carved doorpost. A crystal ball hangs from the ceiling. Signed " G. Dou " ; canvas, 23^ inches by 28^ inches.