Page:Hofstede de Groot catalogue raisonné, Volume 1, 1908.djvu/502

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478 PIETER DE HOOCH SECT. Vaudreuil, in Paris, November 24, 1784, No. 76 (2600 francs, Lebrun). Lord Mulgrave, London, 1838 G 2 77)- Baron von Mecklenburg, December n, 1854, No. 4 (5450 francs). In the collection of Paul van Cuyck, 1858. Sales. Isaac Pe"reire, Paris, March 6, 1872 (20,200 francs). Rocard de la Salle, Paris, March 28, 1881. Now in the collection of Albert von Oppenheim, Cologne. 7. WOMAN WITH A BABY AT HER BREAST, BE- SIDE A CRADLE IN A ROOM. The woman wears a red dress and a blue jacket. To her left is a cradle. To her right is a table covered with a Persian carpet, on which are a silver candlestick and a bottle. Through an open door in the background may be seen a building. Genuine, but late. 15 inches by 12 inches. Sale. Lord St. Leonards, No. 34 (142, P. and D. Colnaghi). In the possession of the dealer F. Kleinberger, Paris. 8. THE YOUNG MOTHER. In the left-hand corner of a room a young woman is bending down to take her baby out of a cradle. She wears a red bodice, the sleeves of which are tucked up, a yellow silk skirt, and a white apron. Her hair is drawn back and fastened with a jewelled hoop. The light coming through a window partly visible on the left falls on the wall behind the woman and on one pilaster of the chimney-piece, which is decorated with a gilt festoon of fruit. By the wall stands a small table with a green cloth, upon which are a jug and a glass. Above hangs a sea-piece. In the left foreground are a chair with a dark blue cover and a foot-warmer. The floor is paved with black and white tiles. The monogram in the right foreground and the date 1643 are false j on panel, 18 inches by 15 inches. Sales. Frans van de Velde, in Amsterdam, September 7, 1774, No. 430 (287 florins). Madame Duval, Paris, November] 28, 1904, No. 6 (19,000 francs, Kleinberger). In the collection of F. Fleischmann, London. 9. MOTHER FEEDING HER CHILD. To the left a woman sits holding on her lap a child, whom she is feeding with pap from a spoon. The woman wears a red jacket, a white collar, and an apron, while the child is in yellow. To the right sits a bearded man in yellow with a hat on his head and a pipe in his hand. The man is similar in type to the old man in the picture belonging to C. Hofstede de Groot (267). On a table is a mug. A woman stands in the background looking on. To the left is an open window ; beneath it the bowl of pap stands on the infant's chair. A boy watches the child being fed. Behind the mother is a cradle ; there is a door in the wall at the back, and beside it is a cupboard. The furniture, wainscoting, and walls are of a brownish-yellow tone. 17^ inches by 14^ inches.