Page:Hofstede de Groot catalogue raisonné, Volume 1, 1908.djvu/514

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490 PIETER DE HOOCH SECT. 45. A Woman baking Cakes and a Woman cutting a Cabbage. (? two pictures.) Sale. Abraham du Pre and Petronella Oortmans, in Amsterdam, May 19, 1729 (Hoet, i. 342), No. 26 (70 florins). 450. A Woman baking Cakes, with other figures. Sale. David letswaart, in Amsterdam, April 22, 1749 (Hoet, ii. 250), No. 190 (14 florins). 46. Woman and Servant-Girl. In a room a woman sits at a table with a little boy on her lap. Beside her a servant-girl, with a market-pail on her arm, stands counting some money. Beyond is a courtyard, from which the light falls into the room. Canvas, 23 inches by 19 inches. Sales. Daniel Marsbag and others, in Amsterdam, October 30, 1775, No. 41. Leyden, August 26, 1788, No. 58 (36 florins, Delfos). 47. Interior, with a Woman, Child, and Servant-Girl. In an interior sits a woman with a child at her breast. Before her is a long- haired dog ; beside her, a cradle. This group is in full daylight, while the servant-girl kneeling to light the fire the glimmer of which is well rendered is in shadow. In the middle distance to the left is a second room illumined by sunshine. Canvas, 32 inches by 26 inches. Sale. J. Christiaanze, in Amsterdam, November 7, 1779, No. 54 (152 florins, Yver). 48. A Servant-Girl with Fish at the Door of a House. A servant-girl stands waiting on the steps before a house ; she has a copper pail on her right arm, and holds two pieces of salmon in her left hand. A man-servant looks through a window to see who has rung. In the fore- ground at the side are two dogs, one standing and another lying down ; in the background is a view of a town. Canvas, 27 inches by 33 inches. Sales. J. van de Velden, in Amsterdam, December 3, 1781, No. 40 (loo florins, Ottens). In Amsterdam, May 14, 1791, No. 62. 49. Woman peeling Fruit. At a table with a green cloth sits a woman peeling fruit. She wears a black lawn cap and a fur-trimmed jacket. Panel. Sale. A. L. C. H. T. de 1'Espinasse de Laugeac, Comte d'Arlet, in Paris, January 4, 1815, No. 216 (84 francs 50 c., Montfort). 50. Woman with a Girl in a Kitchen. A woman sitting in a kitchen is busily plucking a fowl. A maid-servant is near the fire at the back. In the foreground are kitchen utensils. It is finely painted. 5^ inches by 12 inches. Sale. Amsterdam, May 24, 1815, No. 37 (9 florins 10, Lamme).