Page:Hofstede de Groot catalogue raisonné, Volume 1, 1908.djvu/524

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500 PIETER DE HOOCH SECT. centre by an open door which leads to another room. To the left is a table with a red cloth and a bottle on it. ii inches by 13 inches. Sale. H. A. J. Munro of Novar, in London, June i, 1878, No. 314. Compare the pictures at Karlsruhe (72) and Philadelphia (78) of " The Bedroom." 87. INTERIOR. To the right is a window admitting the sunlight. In the centre is a chimney-piece. To the left is seen a second room less brilliantly illumined. A woman sits in the sunlight. There are red tints in the window, and blue Delft tiles. About 26 inches by 33^ inches. In the possession of the dealers, Thomas Lavvrie and Co., London, in 1898. 88. Man Reading at a Table. In an interior, a man in black sits at a table with a book open before him. In the left-hand corner are a pail and a broom. The open door looks upon a landscape. Panel, 25 inches by 21 inches. Exhibited in the Royal Academy Winter Exhibition, London, 1886, No. 71. At one time in the collection of John Pritchard, London. 89. Young 1 Girl making Lace. To the left is a table with a brownish-red cover, to the right a chimney-piece. In the foreground is a cat. It is a pleasing picture, but of doubtful authenticity. The signature is false. Now in the Nimes Museum ; No. 143 in the Gower collection. 890. Picture with a Lady. Inventory of the goods of Dirck van der Dussen, Sheriff of Delft, 1706 (14 florins). 89^. A Woman stirring the Fire. Sale. Seb. Heemskerk, Amsterdam, March 31, 1749 (Hoet, ii. 225); No. 27 (37 florins). 89*:. Woman making Lace in an Interior. Sale. Dav. letswaart, Amsterdam, April 22, 1749 (Hoet, ii. 251), No. 192 (8 florins). . A Student. A man in a dressing-gown stands at a reading-desk in front of a window ; a book lies open on the table, which is covered with a coloured cloth. On the wall hang a knapsack, a purse, and a chart. In the foreground are a chair and other accessories, all relieved against a light wall so as to produce a powerful effect. Canvas, 1 1 inches by 9 inches. Sale. J. van der Linden van Slingelandt, Dordrecht, August 22, 1785, No. 1 88 (600 florins, Van de Vinne). Probably the C. de Man in the Porges collection, Paris, which Btirger and Havard described as a Vermeer. 90. Woman Reading. A woman sits reading in a room, which