Page:Hofstede de Groot catalogue raisonné, Volume 1, 1908.djvu/532

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508 PIETER DE HOOCH SECT. 120. THE MUSIC -PARTY. De G. 20. Five persons are assembled in a handsomely furnished room. In the centre is a table with a red cloth, upon which are a glass on a tray and a music-book. To the left are two ladies : one, in yellow and red, stands playing on a harpsi- chord, while the other, sitting at the table, plays a viol da gamba. To the right of the table a young gentleman plays a violin. Between him and the seated lady sits another young gentleman, listening. On the right a boy is dancing. Behind him a flight of steps leads to a second well-lighted room. It is a good but late work. Signed on the right hand near the middle " P de Hooghe " ; canvas, 26 inches by 29^ inches. Sales. Math. Neven, in Cologne, March 17, 1879. Afterwards in the possession of the dealers P. and D. Colnaghi in London. In the Paris dealer Ch. Sedelmeyer's "Catalogue of 100 Paintings," 1899, No. 23. In the collection of F. Linton at Brighton. In the possession of the dealer F. Kleinberger, Paris. 121. THE DUET. Sm. Suppl. 7. To the left in a room paved with squares of dark brown and white marble sits a young woman, facing the spectator, at a table covered with a red cloth. She .wears a yellow dress, and is singing from a music-book lying before her. To her left is an open window. To her right, beside the table, stands a cavalier in a brownish green and red costume, who accompanies her on the mandolin. Behind him is an open harpsichord. To the right an open door shows a flight of three steps leading to an ante-room ; this opens on an inner courtyard. In the right foreground is a dog. Upon the inner side of the harpsichord lid are the mutilated and unintelligible words, in capitals : " Et solemen Bormm " ; and below, " loria . . . xcel." The rest of the inscription is hidden by the man's figure and by the arm of a chair. A glass ball hangs from the ceiling. On the cornice of the door stands some Delft stoneware. " Painted in a free and dexterous style" (Sm.). Signed on the left below the window : " P d . . oo. A. 1670 " ; canvas, 28 inches by 24^ inches. Sales. The Hague, 1841 (Enthoven). D. van den Schrieck, of Louvain, in Brussels, April 8, 1861, No. 35 (2550 francs, A. Lamme). Herm. de Kat, in Paris, May 25, 1866, No. 38 (2300 francs); catalogued as having the signature "P. Hoog. A. 1670." Ch. de Boissiere, in Paris, February 19, 1883, No. 230. In the collection of the Marquis de Blaisel, in Paris. Sale. Emile Vauthier, the painter, in Brussels, 1893 (P. Errera). Now in the collection of P. Errera, in Brussels. 122. THE MUSIC-PARTY. Sm. 35; deG. 25. To the left in a fore-court paved with tiles a lady stands playing a violin, behind a table covered with a Persian carpet, on which she rests her instrument. To the right, in front of the table, sits a lady, in profile to the left, who trifles with a spoon in a glass and listens to a man in a slouch hat sitting