Page:Hofstede de Groot catalogue raisonné, Volume 1, 1908.djvu/538

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5H PIETER DE HOOCH SECT. guitar, to the right and left of a table. The lady, wearing a white silk dress and white shoes, with pearls in her fair hair, has a music-book on her lap and beats time with her right hand. Another lady, standing beside her, looks over at the music, and leans her right hand on the table, which is covered with a Persian carpet and has upon it a water-bottle. From the house-door on the right comes a young lady carrying a mandolin in her right hand ; with her left she holds up her red silk skirt, showing her green and gold embroidered petticoat. On the marble pavement to the left lies a dog. In the park is a building resembling the Amsterdam Town Hall. Canvas, 26^ inches by 31! inches. Sales. Nieuwenhuys, of Brussels, in London, May 10, 1833 (bought in for 89:5*.)- Comte R. de Cornelissen, in Brussels, May n, 1857, No. 30. Gilkinet, in Paris, April 18, 1863, No. 27 (2900 francs). Vicomte de Buisseret, in Brussels, April 29, 1891, No. 51 (4500 francs). In the possession of the dealer Ch. Sedelmeyer of Paris, in December 1892, and included as No. 19 in his catalogue of 100 paintings, 1894. In the collection of Baron Konigswarter, in Vienna ; but not in the sale at Berlin, November 20, 1906. 136^. The Music- Party. Inventory of Cornelius Schaepman in Delft, May 20, 1684 (communicated by A. Bredius). 136^. The Music-Party. Sale. Amsterdam, April 9, 1687, No. 19 (70 florins). According to K. Madsen, this is the Copenhagen picture (125). 136*:. A Music-Party in an Interior. Sale. Amsterdam, May 18, 1706 (Hoet, i. 95), No. 21 (40 florins). 136^. A Music-Party in an Interior. Sale. Amsterdam, May 18, 1706 (Hoet, i. 45), No. 42 (28 florins). 136*?. A small Picture, with a Flute-Player. Sale. Amsterdam, June 4, 1727 (Hoet, i. 318), No. 29 (22 florins). 1367: A Music-Party at a Table with Fruit. Sale. Amsterdam, September 25, 1743 (Hoet, ii. 128), No. 69 (9 florins). 136^. A Music-Party in a Fore-court. Sale. David letswaart, Amsterdam, April 22, 1749 (Hoet, ii. 250), No. 187 (26 florins 10). 137. Woman polishing a Glass and a Lady playing the Guitar. In an anteroom on the left a woman, wearing a yellow silk jacket trimmed with fur, is polishing a glass. In the middle distance a lady plays a guitar. In the background are seen two houses beyond a canal. Canvas, 26 inches by 21 inches. Sale. Antony Sydervelt, Amsterdam, April 23, 1766 (Terw. p. 521), No. 63 (185 florins, Van Diemen).