Page:Hofstede de Groot catalogue raisonné, Volume 1, 1908.djvu/54

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3 o JAN STEEN SECT. possesses great breadth and force of colouring, with truth of character and natural expression " (Sm.). Signed in full on the infant's chair ; canvas, 41 1 inches by 46^ inches. Sales. Burggraaf, 1811 (68 1 francs, Le Brun). Paris, 1830 (2500 francs, John Smith, who possessed it in 1833). Arthur Kay, London, May n, 1901, No. 113. In the possession of the dealer Ch. Sedelmeyer, Paris. 8o<7. The Satyr and the Peasant. The peasant family are seated round the table. Panel. Sale. (Appendix) Amsterdam, March 24, 1828, No. 183 (10 florins, Essa). Soaa. The Satyr and the Peasant at Table. Canvas, 38 inches by 44 inches. Sale. B. de Harde Swart and others, Amsterdam, November 16, 1847 (500 florins, Engelberts). 8o. The Satyr and the Peasant Sale. C. Martin, London, 1876 (131, Colnaghi). 81. The Satyr and the Peasant. 1 8 inches by 24 inches. Sale. S. Fenton, London, 1880 (78 : 155., Colnaghi). 82. Diogenes. Sm. 12 ; W. 217. He goes with a kntern in day- light round the market-place at Athens seeking a man ; the boys mock at him. There are numerous figures. Among them is a quack who gives performances on his stage ; below him is a drunken woman on a barrow, with women and children near her. It is a very spirited and amusing composition. Canvas, 42^ inches by 37! inches. Sales. C. van Wolffen, Leyden, August 31, 1745, No. 3 (80 florins, Wierman). J. P. Wierman, Amsterdam, August 18, 1762, No. 44 (124 florins). 83. THE CONTINENCE OF SCIPIO. Sm. 103; W. 215. Scipio, clad in armour with a claret-coloured mantle and a laurel wreath on his brows, stands on the left upon a Persian carpet, in front of his throne, which is decorated with vermilion and shaded by a large purple curtain hung between pillars. With outstretched left hand he is making a speech. His followers surround him. Before him stands the bride whom he has given back to the bridegroom. She wears a white robe, a black scarf, and a black veil. Her right hand clasps the right hand of her lover, who kneels and looks up gratefully at Scipio. Behind her is a knight in armour with a yellow banner. On the right kneel the grateful parents. The scene is filled with numerous followers. In the centre of the middle distance is a round temple. On the right is a tall tree in front of a