Page:Hofstede de Groot catalogue raisonné, Volume 1, 1908.djvu/553

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iv PIETER DE HOOCH 529 the left foreground is a wine-cooler. The walls are hung with gilt leather, painted in an unusually broad manner. Under the chimney- piece are brass ornaments. The floor is paved with black and white tiles, in which the brass and the red dress are reflected. The colouring is pale in tone. The style of painting reminds one forcibly of Vermeer of Delft ; but the picture is unquestionably by P. de Hooch. Canvas, 46 inches by 36 inches. Described by Ch. Blanc, Le Tresor de la Curiosite, ii. 262. Sale. Pierre de Grand Pre, Paris, February 16, 1809 (i 103 francs, Etienne). Now in the collection of Mr. George Salting, London. 190. LADY AND GENTLEMAN AT TEA. By the back wall of a large room, between an open window and an open door, a lady and a gentleman in a peruke sit at a table covered with an oriental carpet. The lady at the back, who faces the spectator, is in full light ; she wears a white cap, and holds a cup in her hand. The gentleman, who sits on the left in front of the table, and is seen in profile to the right, has a red costume and a black hat. A negro boy, standing beside the lady, offers the man a cup. On the table are a wine-glass and an orange. The window looks on a landscape with a canal. The door on the right shows an entrance hall, in which a gentleman is walking forward. In the left foreground a servant-girl kneels at the fireplace, stirring the fire. In the right foreground two dogs are playing. The floor is paved with large squares of marble. The picture is of the very latest period j from the style of the costumes, it should be dated nearer to 1690 than to 1680. The painting is unpleasantly coarse, and the figure of the servant-girl is disproportionately large. Canvas, 26^ inches by 33 inches. Sale. J. van den Berg, in Amsterdam, July 29, 1776, No. 9 (49 florins). In the catalogue of 100 paintings in the possession of the dealer Ch. Sedelmeyer, Paris, 1897, No. 12. Sale. Thurlow and others, London, July 9, 1904, No. 87. In possession of the dealer F. Kleinberger, Paris. Now in the collection of Ludwig Maudl, Moscow. 191. SHAKING HANDS. De G. 17. Before a table covered with a red Smyrna carpet stands a young lady in white silk, extending her hand to a young man who stands behind the table. A young lady, richly dressed in red with a silk skirt, sits to the left and applauds. At the back is another young man. A dog stands in the foreground on the extreme left. It is a dark and late picture, dating from after 1670. The brownish tone of the flesh, especially in the lady on the left, the scarlet of the dress, and the figure of the dog, are the same as in other late works. Signed at the top in a sort of cartouche " P D HOO " ; canvas, 32^ inches by 27 inches. Exhibited in Berlin, May 1890, No. 137. Formerly in the collections of R. von Kaufmann in Berlin and of Preyer in Vienna. Now in the Clark collection, New York. 192. TWO LADIES AND TWO GENTLEMEN IN AN VOL. I 2 M