Page:Hofstede de Groot catalogue raisonné, Volume 1, 1908.djvu/577

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iv PIETER DE HOOCH 553 turned to the left, facing the spectator. He has a long pipe in his right hand, and a glass of wine in his left. A dog is at his right ; a woman, with a white cap and her arms bare, stands behind him, apparently asking a question. In the dark left-hand corner of the room two men are playing cards. To the right the sun shines through an open door at the back, by which a servant-girl enters. The picture was formerly ascribed to P. de Hooch, but afterwards tentatively regarded as a copy after him, as the last Stockholm catalogue states. But it is unquestionably genuine. Canvas, 20 inches by 25^ inches. The picture was in the possession of the Swedish Crown in 1816, according to an inventory. Now in the Stockholm National Museum, No. 472 in the 1900 catalogue. 275*. A Guardroom. Sale. Amsterdam, April 9, 1687 (Hoet, i. 6), No. 50 (48 florins). 275^. A Guardroom. 1 8 inches by 25 inches. Sale. Jan van Loon, Delft, July 18, 1736 (Hoet, ii. 392), No. 43 (8 florins 10). 276. Officer buying- Straw from a Peasant. In a peasant's barn an officer is bargaining with a woman for some bundles of straw, which a boy is binding up in the background. In a sunny room to the right several persons are seated, playing ; a woman with a child in her arms goes from one room to the other. A village is seen in the distance to the left. Canvas, 37 inches by 44 inches. Sale. J. G. Cramer, Amsterdam, November 13, 1769. 277. Officer and Girl. At a table with a cloth in a room sits an officer holding a glass of wine and a letter. Beside him is a comely woman, with a mug in her hand, who listens attentively to him. Sale. Haarlem, September 23, 1811, No. 37. 278. Officers resting in a Stable. Two jovial officers are resting in a stable. A comely woman offers them a jug of wine. At the door stands a trumpeter blowing his trumpet. Through an open door at the back are seen people at play. Panel, 30 inches by 26 inches. Sales. H. A. Bauer and others, Amsterdam, September 11, 1820, No. 55 (6 1 florins, Meusardt). P. J. de Marneffe, Brussels, May 22, 1830, No. 148. 279. The empty Jug. Sm. Suppl. 5. Three gentlemen and a woman are assembled in a room. An officer, wearing a blue coat with scarlet sleeves and a plumed hat, sits in the foreground with a pipe in his hand, looking at the woman who has just filled his glass. He shows her that the jug is empty. The other two cavaliers sit by the fireside playing