Page:Hofstede de Groot catalogue raisonné, Volume 1, 1908.djvu/585

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iv PIETER DE HOOCH 561 In the collection of George Byng in 1842 (Sm.). Now in the collection of the Earl of Strafford, Wrotham Park, Enfield. According to Sm. a replica, somewhat lighter in tone and with some trifling variations in the details, was brought from Holland to England by Chaplin in 1839 ; it had formerly been in the possession of S. A. Koopman, Utrecht. It may probably be identified with the picture belonging to Mr. A. de Rothschild (295). 300. Woman at the Wash-tub. In an interior stands a woman at the wash-tub. An open door looks into a courtyard, where a servant-girl stands. The whole scene is very naturally rendered. Panel, 23 inches by 18 inches. Sales. Jan Danser Nijman, Amsterdam, August 16, 1797 (15 florins, Roos who bought the other De Hooch in this collection for 400 florins) (see 30). Herman 'ten Kate, Amsterdam, June 10, 1801, No. 115 (21 florins, J os y)- 301. A Courtyard with a Sportsman and a Woman resting. In the foreground is a dog near some rushes. Sale. J. E. Grave, Amsterdam, May 5, 1806, No. 68. 302. Courtyard with Figures. A vista, with an effect of sun- light. Sale. C. H. Schultz, Amsterdam, July 10, 1826, No. 151 (20 florins, Roos). 303. Scene in a Courtyard. Sm. 53 ; Suppl. 23. By a red fence at the side of a courtyard, beyond which is a red barn, stands a bench, with a kettle upon it. Near it is a woman holding a pail and a broom. An open door in the fence looks down a pathway, planted with trees, leading to a meadow. In the foreground are some fowls. The sunlight is well rendered. Canvas, 19^ inches by i6| inches. Sale. Jonkheer J. Goll van Franckenstein, Amsterdam, July I, 1833, No. 26 (2025 florins, J. N. Hulswit). 304. Scene in a Courtyard. Sm. Suppl. 16. In a courtyard is a lady holding a child and at the same time caressing a pet dog. Near her is a servant-girl busy with some fish. Through the doorway of an adjacent house another servant-girl is seen engaged in cooking. On the other side is an avenue, along which comes a page. The scene is illumined by sunlight. Canvas, 31 inches by 25 inches. In the collection of the Rev. J. Clowes, Manchester, in 1842 (Sm.). 305. The Game of Golf. In an entrance-hall paved with red tiles a little girl carrying a golf-club stands with her hand on the latch of an open door. She looks at a boy who is playing golf in the courtyard. In the distance is a village. Panel, 25 inches by 18 inches. VOL. i 20