Page:Hofstede de Groot catalogue raisonné, Volume 1, 1908.djvu/612

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5 88 JOHANNES VERMEER SECT. sits sewing beside a table covered with a cloth, on which is a beer-jug. The light streams in through a window. An open door shows another room hung with gilt leather. Canvas, 19 inches by 15 inches. Sales. Amsterdam, 1779, No. 105 ; according to W. Biirger. J. Pekstok, Amsterdam, December 17, 1792, No. 70 (30 florins). i2a. A Lady making Lace. She sits at a table. It is finely painted. By Vermeer or in his style. Panel, 9! inches by 8 inches. Sale. D. de Jongh, Rotterdam, March 26, 1810, No. 51. nb. A Woman making Lace. 20 inches by 16 inches. [Possibly identical with 12.] Sale. Hoorn, July 8, 1817, No. 135 (7 florins 5). lie. A Woman making Lace. Fine in the effect of light, brown, and vigorously painted. Panel, 12 inches by loj inches. Sale. H. Stokvisch, C. Henning, and others, Amsterdam, May 22, 1823, No. 8 1 (15 florins 10, Brondgeest). iid. Woman and Boy sitting by the Fireside in a Room. Panel, 24 inches by 18 inches. Sale. A. van Beestingh and others, Rotterdam, April 30, 1832, No. 1 1 (190 florins, Lamme). 13. A Woman at work, with a Child. B. 18 ; H. 21. A woman in a silk dress trimmed with fur sits working at a table in an interior. A little girl offers her an apple. Canvas, 37 inches by 24 inches. Sale. Roos, Amsterdam, 1841 ; according to W. Biirger. 13*?. A Woman with Needlework on her Lap. She looks at a child seated on the ground near her. By Vermeer or in his manner. Panel, 36 inches by 26 inches. Sales. (Supplementary) P. M. Kesler, C. Apostool, and others, Amsterdam, May 13, 1844, No. 218 (26 florins 50, Roos). J. A. A. de Lelie and others, Amsterdam, July 29, 1835, No. 280 (63 florins, De Lelie). 14. Woman and Child. In the background of a room is a young woman, brightly illumined by the light from a window to the left. Through a half-open door behind her is seen a bed. In front of the woman is a cradle with a sleeping child ; to the right are a small stove, kitchen utensils on shelves, different vegetables, and a cock in a hen-coop. In the foreground, which is in shadow, an elderly woman is busy cooking at the fireplace to the left ; around her are pots and pans. Signed "J. v. der M." ; canvas, 14! inches by 19^ inches. Sale. C. Triepel, Munich, September 28, 1874, No. 48.