Page:Hofstede de Groot catalogue raisonné, Volume 1, 1908.djvu/618

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594 JOHANNES VERMEER SECT. Btlrger, 21 inches by 18 inches; of Lord Iveagh ; of Henry BischofFsheim, London. In the possession of the dealer Gooden, London, 1896. Now in the collection of John G. Johnson, Philadelphia. 27. A GENTLEMAN AND A YOUNG LADY. B. 9 ; H. 17 and 18. In the left-hand corner of a room sits a comely girl in a red jacket, white cap, and blue skirt, holding a sheet of paper, apparently music. She is in profile to the right, but turns her head to the spectator. A man in a light bluish-grey cloak, without a hat, steps towards her, lays his left hand on a chair and grasps the sheet of paper with his right. On the table are a mandoline, a music-book, a blue China jug, and a glass of wine. In front of the table is a chair with a dark blue cushion ; behind the table is another chair. To the left is a window which is much foreshortened. Near it a bird-cage has been painted in by a later hand. On the back wall hangs a picture, almost square in shape, representing the Cupid standing, which appears also in the National Gallery picture (23). This picture of a Cupid became visible when the work was cleaned. Its place was formerly occupied by a violin and bow, noticed in the catalogue of the Smeth van Alphen sale of 1810. There are many blue tones ; even the piece of music is printed in blue, and there are blue shadings on the red window frame. Panel, 14^ inches by i6| inches. Sales. P. de Smeth van Alphen, Amsterdam, August i, 1810, No. 57 (610 florins, De Vries). H. Croese, Amsterdam, September 18, 1811, No. 45 (399 florins, Roos). C. S. Roos, Amsterdam, August 28, 1820, No. 64 (330 florins, Brondgeest). In the collection of Lewis Fry, Clifton, Bristol. In the possession of the dealers Lawrie and Co., London. Now in the collection of H. C. Frick, Pittsburg. 28. A LADY AT THE VIRGINALS AND A GENTLE- MAN. B. 10 ; H. 10. In a room paved with black and white tiles, a lady stands with her back to the spectator at an open pair of virginals against the back wall. She wears a red dress with a short black skirt over it and a white bodice. Her face is reflected in a mirror hanging above the instrument. Near her stands a gentleman in black with a white sash. In the right foreground is a table covered with a Turkey carpet, on which is a white earthenware mug ; near the table is a chair upholstered in blue, and a violoncello lies on the floor. On the left are two leaded windows, admitting the daylight. On the back wall to the right a portion of a picture is visible. Canvas, 29 inches by 25 inches. Exhibited at the Royal Academy Winter Exhibition, 1876, No. 211 ; and at the London Guildhall, 1895. Sale. Amsterdam, May 19, 1696, No. 6 (80 florins). Now in the Royal Collection, Windsor Castle, No. 127. 29. THE CONCERT. B. 23 j H. 26. In a large room lighted