Page:Hofstede de Groot catalogue raisonné, Volume 1, 1908.djvu/630

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6o6 JOHANNES VERMEER SECT. A COMPARATIVE TABLE FOR IDENTIFYING IN THIS CATALOGUE THE PICTURES DESCRIBED BY w. BURGER (Gazette des Beaux Arts, 1866, xxi. 544 seq.} AND BY HAVARD. (See directions at head of similar table for Jan Steen's works). B H B H I 4 1 4* 23 29 37 2 42 42 24 ( 9 ) 40^ 3 15 15 25 17 7 4 C 1 )

26 IO 29 5 8 8 26* 9* 6 38 38 27 = 626 ( 9 ) 7 39 39 28 26 17 8 33 33 29 23 10 8* 35 30 25 = H29 9 27 30 31 34 26 9* 3a 32 3 1 23 10 28 28 33 20 25 ii ( 2 ) 304 34 5 34 12 ( 3 ) ( 2 ) 35 4 31 13 ( 4 ) ( 3 ) 36 6 20 H ( 5 ) ( 4 ) 37 ii 5 15 ( 6 ) ( 5 ) 38 (10) 4 16 ( 7 ) ( 6 ) 39 21 6 17 ( 8 ) 27 40 36 ii 18 13 = Hi 7 40^ = B8* '9 18 ( 7 ) 4' 2 (10) 20 37 ( 8 ) 42 (H) 21 21 40^ 13 43 12 36 22 7 18 44 C 1 ) 35 I The Family Group, in the Czernin Gallery, Vienna, is by C. A. Renesse. - The Soldiers at a Tavern, in the Borghese Gallery, Rome, is by P. de Hooch (see 272). 3 Card-players, No. 12, in the Angiot sale, Paris, March i, 1875, is by P. de Hooch (see 264). 4 Family in the Courtyard of their House, in the Vienna Academy, is by P. de Hooch (tee 321). 5 Two Ladies and two Gentlemen in an Interior, in the Havemeyer collection, New York, is by P. de Hooch (see 192). 8 The Music-Lesson, in the Wallace Collection, is by Jan Steen (see 412). 7 The Woman peeling Apples, in the Wallace Collection, is by P. de Hooch (see 33), 8 A young Woman peeling an Apple for her Child, in the Imperial Picture Gallery, Vienna, is by G. ter Borch. 9 Concert with four Persons, in the Kurt collection, Berlin, was offered to the Brussels Museum in 1861 as a P. de Hooch. 10 The sleeping Maid-Servant, in W. Bflrger's collection in 1866 and No. 34 in the Thore- BQrger sale, Paris, 1892, is not by Vermeer. II Old Woman reading the Bible, in the collection of Adolphe Schloss, Paris, is a fully signed Jacobus Vrel.