Page:Hofstede de Groot catalogue raisonné, Volume 1, 1908.djvu/80

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56 JAN STEEN SECT. 159. The Physician feeling the Pulse of a Young Girl. The mother asks him about the cause of her sickness. Panel, 17 inches by 12^ inches. Sale. Count F. de Robiano, Brussels, May I, 1837, No. 613 (250 francs). 1 60. A Physician with several Persons in an Interior. Signed in full ; canvas, i8 inches by 24^ inches. Sale. Amsterdam, October 29, 1838, No. 170 (30 florins, Stokbroo). i6oa. A Physician visiting a Sick Peasant Woman. W. 253. In the background is a woman with a child on her knee. Sale. J. Kleynenbergh, Leyden, July 19, 1841. 1 6 1. A Physician visiting an Old Man who is sick. The old man sits in an arm-chair ; behind him stands an old woman, weeping. Signed in full ; panel, i8 inches by 15^ inches. Sale. W. G. van Klinkenberg and others, Amsterdam, March 6, 1843, No. 43 (15 florins 50, A. Wolff). 162. The Physician's Visit. The physician feels a young girl's pulse in the presence of her mother. The physician's ironical expression is very finely rendered. The execution is masterly and careful ; the tone is silvery. In the collection of the Marquis of Lansdowne, Bowood, 1854 (Waagen, iii. 163). 163. The Physician feels a Young Girl's Pulse. Behind them is another woman. There are various accessories. Canvas, 13^ inches by u^ inches. Sales. H. ten Kate, Amsterdam, June 10, 1801, No. 149 (31 florins, Van der Schley ; described as on panel). Amsterdam, at Roos's, August 20, 1856. 164. The Physician's Visit. 17^ inches by 14 inches. Sale. A. Levy, London, 1876 (204 : 155.). The picture of the Mieville sale (172)? 165. The Physician's Visit The physician feels a young lady's pulse. The composition is in the manner of Metsu. There is great depth and richness of tone in the rendering of the interior. According to Waagen (ii. 138), in the collection of H. A. J. Munro, but not in the sale of June I, 1878. 1 66. The Physician's Visit. The physician, who is dressed in black and has a serious face, feels the pulse of a stout young woman of the middle class, who sits languidly in a chair and leans on a table covered with an Oriental carpet. An old maid-servant, who leans with one hand on the back of a chair and holds a glass in the other, awaits with curiosity