Page:Hofstede de Groot catalogue raisonné, Volume 1, 1908.djvu/97

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i JAN STEEN 73 the man is a boy with an ivy wreath, holding an hour-glass. Through a door at the back enters Death with a weeping child. The signature is apparently genuine ; panel. In the Nostitz collection, Prague, 1877 catalogue, No. 200. 238. An Astronomer in his Room. Sale. Amsterdam, March 28, 1707 (Hoet, i. 116), No. 89 (170 florins). 239. An Advocate reading a Letter. W. 404. It is brought to him by a peasant. A small picture. Sale. Rotterdam, April 27, 1713 (Hoet, ii. 365), No. I (75 florins). 240. A Court of Justice. Several judges sit in a court ; before them stands a fettered criminal, who is held by an officer. Panel, n inches by 14 inches. Sale. De Beehr and Van Leeuwen, Amsterdam, November 14, 1825, No. 95 (100 florins, Brondgeest). 241. An Old Man cutting his Pen. W. 18. He leans his elbows on a table, upon which are his hat, an ink-pot, and much paper. His black clothes are sharply relieved against the wall. The figure is seen to the knee. A small and very precious picture. Panel, 10 inches by 9 inches. Sales. A. Dijkman, Amsterdam, July 17, 1794, No. 40. M. Udink, Amsterdam, October 28, 1808, No. 58 (ill florins). Boymans, Utrecht, August 31, 1811, No. B 99. Formerly in the Boymans Museum, Rotterdam, 1859 catalogue, No. 310. Burnt in the fire of 1864. 242. The Young Student. W. 506. A young man, with his left hand on his knee, reads a book lying on a table covered with a green cloth. Beside it are a globe and an ink-pot on a paper. Signed in full on the paper ; panel, 9^ inches by 8 inches. Sale. H. de Kat of Dordrecht, Paris, May 2, 1866, No. 81. 243. A Visit to the Lawyer. The rent-day. Four persons. i8| inches by 15! inches. Sales. Baron de Hirsch, London, February 6, 1897, No. 52. Murchison and others, London, June 11, 1897, No. 60. 244. A Peasant receiving a Monk's Blessing. W. 449. The peasant kneels before him ; a basket of eggs is placed near. Panel, 8^ inches by 7 inches. Described by Descamps. Sales. Arnoud Leers, Amsterdam, May 19, 1767, No. 53 (50 florins). J. W. Heybroek, Rotterdam, June 9, 1788, No. 76 (21 florins, Van Beestingh). A. van Beestingh and others, Rotterdam, April 30, 1832, No. 2 (182 florins, Lamme).