Page:Hofstede de Groot catalogue raisonné, Volume 2, 1909.djvu/120

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104 AELBERT CUYP SECT. river in the distance is bounded by hills, on which is a town. "An example of superlative excellence " (Sm.). Panel, 19 inches by 29 inches. Sale. Alexis de la Hante, London, 1821 (486 : 35.). Afterwards sold to Joseph Barchard (630). In the possession of Sm., who sold it to the Chevalier Erard (12,000 francs). Safes. Chevalier Sebastien Erard, Paris, 1831, No. 72 (15,000 francs, bought in). Chevalier Sebastien Erard, London, June 22, 1833 (399, T. Norton). 339. Four Cows by a River, and a Herdsman drawing Water. Sm. 125. A stream flows across the front round a hilly pasture on the left, in which are four cows, three of them lying down. On the hill a farmer on horseback converses with a man on foot. In the foreground a herdboy fills a cup at the stream. Early morning before sunrise. "Painted in the artist's finest time" (Sm.). Canvas, 27 inches by 35 inches. Exhibited at the British Institution, 1829. Sales. H. Muilman, Amsterdam, April 12, 1813, No. 36 (2025 florins). Thie"bault, Paris, February 26, 1817 (4500 francs). Le Rouge, Paris, 1818 (7200 francs). In the collection of Comte Pourtales, all the Dutch and Flemish pictures in which were bought by Sm. and Thomas Emmerson, 1826. Sale. London, 1826 (525). In the collection of Charles Dixon, 1834 (Sm.). 340. The Thirsty Cowherd. Sm. 159. A hilly landscape with a stream in the foreground. On the farther bank a cowherd with a blue jacket stoops to fill a cup with water. Near him a yellow cow is lying down ; a reddish cow stands beyond it, near a goat that is lying down. A round tower and other buildings are in the distance ; the view is bounded by square-shaped hills. Sunset. An "excellent picture" (Sm.). [Pendant to 600.] Canvas, 24 inches by 33 inches. Sm. says that this picture and its pendant were in the collection of Van der Potts (Pot), Rotterdam, 1825, which was sold as a whole, and that they were valued at 7000 florins the pair ; and further, that this picture passed through the hands, successively, of M. Gallic, Charles Kinnear, and Sir John Pringle, Bart., and was in the collection of the Rev. Mr. Clowes, Manchester, 1834. As it occurred in the sale of R. Pott and others, Rotterdam, October 1 1, 1855, No. 10, and can hardly have passed through the various English collections in the meantime, Sm. must have made a mistake ; probably he confused the collectors G. van der Pot (whose sale was in 1806) and R. Pott. 341. THE SLEEPING HERDSMAN. Sm. 39. In the right foreground five brown cows are grazing. The herdsman, in brown and white, lies sleeping under a crooked tree on a bank near them. In a broad plain stretching away into the distance is a town with a church that seems to be that of Utrecht. A fine sky. This picture is of the