Page:Hofstede de Groot catalogue raisonné, Volume 2, 1909.djvu/130

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n 4 AELBERT CUYP SECT. stands a darker cow, whose head is hidden. In front a third cow is lying down, racing right. In the immediate foreground is a thorn-hedge. In the Gould collection, New York. 378. COWS WITH A MILKMAID IN A FARMYARD. Sm. 231. In the centre a yellowish cow stands in profile to the right. A girl with a large straw hat is milking her. On the right a dark-red cow is lying down, in profile to the left. In the background to the left are three other cows, one standing and two lying down, near a well, which is placed to the right in front of a farmhouse. In the left foreground is a cluster of docks, with a large brass milk-can beyond. From the right background, where three windmills are visible, a man on a black horse comes riding up. A blue sky with light clouds. " A broad and freely- painted picture" (Sm.). Signed in the left-hand bottom corner, A. Cuyp ; canvas, 46^ inches by 64^ inches. In the collection of J. R. West, Alcote, 1834 (Sm.). In the collection of Major Sirr. Sales. (Probably) J. B. West, London, May 1852 (420, bought in). R. Kirkman Hodgson and others, London, February 23, 1907, No. 146 (3990, Coureau). In the possession of the Paris dealer F. Kleinberger. 379. A COW BEING MILKED. Sm. Suppl. 3. A view over pastures, during harvest, on a fine afternoon. Near a tree to the right a girl sits milking a red cow, beside which another cow, black-and-white, is lying down. The girl wears a straw hat, a black skirt, red bodice and yellow apron. In the left foreground are two brass milk-cans. In the distance peasants are loading hay on a waggon drawn by two horses. This must have been a very good picture, but it has been much over- cleaned. [Compare 364.] Signed in the right-hand bottom corner, A. cuijp ; canvas, 42 inches by 69^ inches. Acquired by the Empress Catherine II. In the Hermitage Palace, St. Petersburg, 1901 catalogue, No. 1107. 3790. A Girl Milking a Red Cow. She is seen to the right in a landscape. Near her lies a yellow cow. On the right are a high hill and a waterfall, at which a red cow is drinking. Farther off a white cow moves away, a black cow stands still, and a spotted red cow is lying down ; in front of these are a white goat and two sheep. In the manner of N. Berchem. Panel, 23^ inches by 30 inches. Sale. -Nicolaas de Bruyn, Leyden, May 10, 1774, No 6. 380. A Woman Milking a Cow. With two children and several domestic animals in a farmyard. By Cuyp, or in his manner. Panel, 15 inches by 28 inches. Sale. Blondel de Gagny, Paris, December 10, 1776, No. 304 (100 francs).