Page:Hofstede de Groot catalogue raisonné, Volume 2, 1909.djvu/177

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vii AELBERT CUYP 161 stand in profile and are held by a youth. Farther away, on the opposite side, three men are playing cards. A fine evening. Canvas, 16 inches by 21 inches. In the collection of Lady Hampden, London, 1834 (Sm.). 529. Halting at an Inn. Sm. 251. A bay pony is tied by the reins to a post outside an inn. The rider has entered, leaving his dog beside the pony. Farther away, on the opposite side, come a man on foot and a horseman. A warm evening. Panel, i8 inches by i8 inches. In the collection of the Rev. J. Clowes, Manchester, 1834. (Sm.). 530. A Saddled Horse, Groom, and Rider. In front of an inn is a saddled horse, which a groom holds by the bridle. Near it, a man is conversing with another man. In the foreground are a spotted dog, a cock, and hens. In the distance is a river with sailing-boats ; beyond it is a church. Canvas. Sale. Amsterdam, September n, 1839, No. 24 (32 florins). 530^. Horsemen halting. A fine composition. Sale. Brussels, August I, 1842, No. 22. 530^. Two Travellers halting at an Inn. Sm. Suppl. 58. One traveller has dismounted from a grey horse, seen in profile, which is feeding out of a sack held by a boy. The other man sits on his horse and points to some distant object. Two dogs follow the man. The group is on the right in front of a house, only part of which is visible. In the distance are trees. [Compare 525, with which it may be identical.] Copper, 8| inches by 12 inches. In the collection of Henry Bevan, London, 1834 (Sm.). 531. Gentlemen leaving an Inn. Sm. 219. Near the corner of an inn, from which hangs a pewter jug, a page, hat in hand, holds a dappled -grey horse while the rider mounts. His companions have already mounted and ridden off; one of them points with his right hand to some distant object. They are accompanied by a man on foot. " An excellent picture" (Sm.). [Pendant to 537.] [Compare 537#, with which it may be identical.] Signed at the top to the left under the inn roof, A. C. Panel, 16 inches by 2i| inches. In the collection of John Newington Hughes, 1834 (Sm.) ; sold in London, April 14, 1848. Sales. (Possibly) Denison, London, 1885 (107). Ad. Jos. BOsch, Vienna, April 28, 1885, No. 10 (3000 florins, Bourgeois). 531*7. Horsemen halting at an Inn. Sale. T. Capron, London, May 3, 1851 (201, Clarke). VOL. II M