Page:Hofstede de Groot catalogue raisonné, Volume 2, 1909.djvu/219

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vii AELBERT CUYP 203 678*7. A Sea Piece. On the water in front are three vessels carrying many people ; in the distance are numerous sailing-vessels. To the right is a town. Panel, 28 inches by 41 1 inches. Sales. (Possibly) Leyden, June I, 1765, No. 38 (65 florins). Munich, April 25, 1904, No. 19. 678^. A River Landscape. With boats and figures. [Possibly identical with 67 8/.] Canvas, 24 inches by 29 inches. Sales. London, May 19, 1904, No. 137 (3 113 : 6, Gunn). (Possibly) Lady Currie, London, 1906, No. 26 (115 : ios., Gooden and Fox). 678^. A River Landscape. With a ruin and boats. 2o| inches by 28^ inches. Sale. J. G. Menzies and others, London, February 25, 1905, No. 133. 678^. A River Landscape. With a ruin. At a projecting bank are figures and boats. Panel, 22 inches by 35 inches. Sale. Chr. Bushell and others, London, March 17, 1906, No. 103. 678*. A River Landscape. On the dyke are figures and buildings. Panel, 23 inches by 29 inches. Sale. James Boulton, London, April n, 1906, No. 154. 678/1 A River Landscape. With sailing-boats and figures. [Possibly identical with 678^.] Canvas, 24 inches by 29 inches. Sale. Lady Currie and others, London,*^June|^3O,j 1906, No. 26

ios., Gooden and Fox).

678^. A River Landscape. With a village, a ferry-boat, and figures. Canvas, 38 inches by 51 1 inches. Sale. Thomas M'Lean, London, January 18, 1908, No. 148. 679. THE COAST AT SCHEVENINGEN. Sm. 97. A cavalier, richly dressed in a brown velvet costume edged with gold, buff boots and a turban, and mounted on a dappled-grey, rides forward from the right. A man-servant on a bay horse gallops after him from the opposite side, preceded by a dog. Beyond them is a horseman, surrounded by about twenty-four peasants and fishermen who are busy with their fish. Some fishing-boats lie near the shore. To the right, above a high sand- hill, rises a church tower. " Painted in the artist's most esteemed manner " Panel, 31^ inches by 42 inches. Exhibited at the British Institution, 1832.