Page:Hofstede de Groot catalogue raisonné, Volume 2, 1909.djvu/246

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23 o AELBERT CUYP SECT. 781*. A Grey Horse in a Stable. It is held by a man. Stable utensils.

  • . -Haarlem, September 23, 1811, No. 45.

782. Interior of a Stable, with a Grey Horse. Sm. 121. The grey is held by a groom. A cock, two hens, and other accessories. Panel, 10 inches by 14^ inches. 7/,._Solirene, Paris, March II, 1812 (361 francs). 783. Interior of a Stable, with a Grey Horse. Sm. 127. A groom fills the manger with fodder. In the foreground are a basket and other accessories. Sale. Hart Davis, London, 1814 (44 : 2s., Power). 784. Interior of a Stable, with a Black Horse. Sm. 128. A man is saddling the horse, while another holds it by the bridle. Sale. Hart Davis, London, 1814 (43 : is., Power). 784*. A Stable, with a Saddled Horse. It is held by a groom. Panel, 9 inches by 10 inches. Sale. G. Kamermans, Rotterdam, October 3, 1825, No. 19 (100 florins, Lamme). 784^. Two Horses in a Stable. By Cuyp or in his manner. Sale. J. F. Sigault, Amsterdam, December 3, 1833, No. 337 (i florin, Anderson). 784^. A Stable with a Grey Horse. A groom and stable utensils. Sale. Rotterdam, September 15, 1834, No. 54. 785. A Grey Horse in a Stable. He is tied to a full manger. Panel, 9 inches by 15^ inches. Sale. J. Bleuland, Utrecht, May 6, 1839, No. 46. 785*7. A Stable with two Grey Horses. With a goat. A man goes out of the stable. [Compare 779.] Canvas, 13! inches by 16 inches. Sale. J. Bleuland, Utrecht, May 6, 1839, No. 48. 786. Two Horses in a Stable. One, a piebald, with a grey cloth over the neck, is being groomed by a man in a red jacket. The other horse is at the back. Signed, A. Cuyp ; panel, 22^ inches by 30 inches. Sale. Amsterdam, December 20, 1841, No. 9. 786*7. A White Horse with Brown Spots in a Stable. Sm. Suppl. 20. It stands in profile, with the reins attached to the manger. On its back is a yellow cloth. A truss of straw lies on the ground. [Possibly identical with 769.] Panel, n inches by 15 inches. In the collection of Peter Norton, London, 1842 (Sm.).