Page:Hofstede de Groot catalogue raisonné, Volume 2, 1909.djvu/257

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vii AELBERT CUYP 241 830*. Fruit. Panel, 25^ inches by 22^ inches. Sale. Jacob Spex, The Hague, May 21, 1777, No. 159 (i florin 18). 830^. Peaches and Grapes. With their leaves on a grey stone. Some insects. Fine chiaroscuro. Panel. Sale. Antwerp, May 12, 1806, No. 57. 830^-. Fruit. A very fine picture. Panel, 23! inches by 31 inches. Sale. H. van der Heuvel and J. Hackefort, Rotterdam, April 18, 1816, No. 30 (55 florins, Netscher). 831. Peaches and other Fruits. Warm and robust in tone. Panel, 16 inches by 20 inches. Sale. P. de Heere de Holy, Rotterdam, August 31, 1824, No. 30 (20 florins, Lamme). 831*7. Fruit. Sale. G. Kamermans, Rotterdam, October 3, 1825, No. 206 (i florin 10, Dieken). 831^. Peaches. Sale. Rotterdam, April n, 1827, No. 181 (8 florins). 831-:. Fruit. Sale. Rotterdam, June 9, 1828, No. 176. 831^. Fruit. Sale. Rotterdam, April 26, 1830, No. 105 (7 florins 15). 832. Fruit. Sm. 272. Six peaches, a cut melon, a few bunches of cherries and filberts, and a quantity of grapes, grouped on a table. [Pendant to 833.] "Although the signature of the artist is not found on these pictures, the astonishing brilliancy of the colouring, together with the breadth of light and shade and masterly execution, are amply sufficient to denote the mind and hand of the painter " (Sm.). Panel, 23 inches by 2o inches. In the possession of the London dealers Smart, 1834 (Sm. ; then priced at $2 the pair). 833. Fruit. Sm. 273. On a table partly covered with a dark cloth is a dish of ten fine peaches. There are also clusters of gooseberries and currants on their branches ; on the farther side of the dish, bunches of grapes are piled up. [Pendant to 832.] Panel, 23 inches by 20^ inches. In the possession of the London dealers Smart, 1834 (Sm. ; then priced at 52 the pair). VOL. II R