Page:Hofstede de Groot catalogue raisonné, Volume 2, 1909.djvu/261

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vii AELBERT CUYP 245 brown cow is lying down. The head of a black-and-white cow is seen on the left. Signed, A. Cuyp ; panel, 9 inches by il inches. In the collection of Arthur Kay, Glasgow. 315*7. Two Cows in a Riverside Pasture. A reddish-brown cow lies facing the spectator. Behind it lies a white cow facing left. Beyond the river in the middle is a town. Golden sky ; grey and white clouds. Signed on the right at foot, A. Cuyp ; panel, 13 inches by iy inches. In the possession of the Paris dealer F. Kleinberger, 1908. 535^. A View of Utrecht ; a Horseman at an Inn. In the left foreground a horseman and a man on foot are in front of the corner of a house. In the centre a man and a boy push a wheelbarrow with two casks ; in front is a tree stump. In the middle distance is a group of pinkish-grey houses with two church towers against a silvery-grey stormy sky. Near the horses are figures. In the manner of Van Goyen. Panel, 19^ inches by 25^ inches. In the collection of Arthur Kay, Glasgow. 592^. The Watering-Place. A horse and dogs drink at a stream in front. The rider in broad hat and red coat points with his left hand to a lad who beats a prancing white horse. Beyond, a lady on a dark horse talks to a sportsman leaning on his gun. At the back are other figures and dogs ; a man rides a white horse up a steep road. On the left is a rocky, wooded hill ; on the right an open landscape with distant hills. Bright sunset light. Signed, " A. cttyp fecit" ; panel, 21 inches by 28 inches. Purchased in 1908 from an old French collection. In the collection of T. Humphry Ward, London. 633*7. Fishing-Boats in a Stiff Breeze. In the centre foreground a smack with three men is putting to sea ; the stern flag trails in the wind. In the right foreground is a man in a rowing-boat. In the left middle distance is another sailing-boat. In the distance is a village amid trees on the river-bank. Beyond are two boats. Greyish-gold in tone. Reminiscent of Van Goyen. [Compare the Wallace pictures 639, 640.] Panel, io| inches by i8| inches. In the collection of Arthur Kay, Glasgow. 6jgaa. On the Beach at Scheveningen. In the right foreground are a woman with a basket on her head, two persons in a cart with a grey horse, and a horseman in a red coat. In the centre foreground eight persons in a waggon with two horses drive down the slope, near a horse- man and two men with five dogs. In the left foreground are a man in a red cap reclining, a man and a woman carrying baskets, and a man seated near three dogs. In the right middle distance are a church and houses near a hill, and to the left are figures. Beyond is the sea with boats. Grey, cloudy sky. An earlier version of Lord Ridley's picture (679) ? Signed on the right, A. Cuyp ; panel, 25! inches by 38 inches. In the collection of Arthur Kay, Glasgow.