Page:Hofstede de Groot catalogue raisonné, Volume 2, 1909.djvu/270

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254 PHILIPS WOUWERMAN SECT. Like the master, too, he paints figures for the landscapes of other men, such as Wijnants, Moucheron, and Verboom. Yet in artistic quality he is sensibly inferior to Wouwerman, both in the drawing and handling of his figures and in the atmospheric delicacy of his landscapes. Huchten- burgh and Dirk Maas are further removed from their original than Lingelbach. Both of them belong to the decline of Dutch art. If we mention also the names of DIRK STOOP (1610-1686), HERMAN VAN LIN (about 1650-1670), HENDRIK VERSCHUURING (1627-1690), E. OUDENDIJK, and also those of ABRAHAM HONDIUS (about 1625- 1695?), and F. BOCK (who flourished about 1683), we have almost exhausted the list of those who may with some reason be regarded as imitators of Wouwerman's pictures of horses and battles but not of those whose pictures are now and then ascribed to the master himself by speculative dealers. Prominent among these are the battle - painters grouped round Jan Martsen de Jonge and Palamedes Palamedesz, who are on an average a generation older than Wouwerman, such as A. van Hoef, J. J. van der StofFe, Isaak Junius, P. van Hillegaert, H. A. Pacx, and others. In his youth Jan Asselijn painted some pictures of similar themes. With just as little reason as in the case of those just named, a series of artists of the late seventeenth and eighteenth centuries in Flanders and other countries are confused with Wouwerman such as Van Bloemen, Breydel, Bredael, Falens, Cerquozzi, Bourguignon, and Querfurt. The later the period at which they lived, the more they differ from Wouwer- man. Still, it is not to be denied that Wouwerman, together with a group of Flemish painters like P. Snayers, P. Meulener, and A. F. van der Meulen, set a fashion for the whole of the eighteenth century. TRANSLATOR'S NOTE In the references added to the entries in the Catalogue "Sm." = Smith, "Catalogue Raisonne"," vol. i. (1829). "Sm. Suppl." = Smith, "Catalogue Raisonne," Supplement (1842). "M."=Jean Moyreau (1690-1762): CEuvres de Philippe Wouwermans gravees d'apres ses meilleurs tableaux dans les plus beaux cabinets de Paris et ailleurs . . . par J. Moyreau : folio, Paris, 1737-62 (new edition, Paris, 1843). A CLASSIFIED SUMMARY OF THE CONTENTS I. RELIGIOUS SUBJECTS, 1-27. 1. Old Testament, 1-5. 2. New Testament, 6-22. 3. Legends, 23. 4. Saints, 24-27. II. MYTHOLOGY AND HISTORY, 28-34. 1. Mythological Scenes, 28-30. 2. Historical Scenes, 31-34.