Page:Hofstede de Groot catalogue raisonné, Volume 2, 1909.djvu/278

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262 PHILIPS WOUWERMAN SECT. Painted for the Count van Wassenaar, who at the same time commissioned a picture of the same subject from Karel du Jardin, now in the Louvre, 1902 catalogue, No. 2426. It is not mentioned by Hoet in the Wassenaar collection, but passed thence by marriage into that of Prince Montmorency. Sale. Montaleau, Paris, 1802 (2400 francs). In the Rottiers collection, Ghent, 1829 (Sm.). In the collection of the Hon. Long Wellesley, 1842 (Sm. says it cost 6000 francs). Sale. Wellesley of London, Brussels, June 15, 1846 (6500 francs, Weber de Treuenfels). Weber de Treuenfels, Paris, April 8, 1867, No. 40 (8000 francs). 21. THE ASCENSION. On the top of a hill, the disciples and some followers of Christ, about twenty in all, stand or kneel in groups. They look up, with surprise and reverence, at Christ, who is seen in a golden glory amidst dark clouds. He wears a light-grey flowing robe and raises His hands upward to the left in the attitude of blessing. He is ascending to heaven ; angels descend towards Him. The Apostle in the centre foreground wears white breeches and has his back to the spectator. Another in light-red is strongly relieved against the dark background. Below to the left in a valley leading from the centre to the left foreground are some of the houses of Bethany, with a high mountain beyond. Signed in the left-hand bottom corner with the full monogram ; canvas, 34 inches by 27 inches. Mentioned by Riegel, Beitrilge, 322. From Salzdahlum, Cabinet I. No. 57. In the Picture Gallery, Brunswick, 1900 catalogue, No. 306. 21 a. The Ascension. Sale. Jacob Cromhout and Jasper Loskart, Amsterdam, May 7, 1709 (Hoet, i. 132), No. 7 (305 florins). 22. The Conversion of Saul. In a hilly landscape, Saul has fallen from his horse on to the ground in front. Farther away, riders and horses run away in fear of the lightning. Panel, 13 inches by 14 inches. Sales. Amsterdam, August 8, 1804, No. 213. (Possibly) Taets van Amerongen, Amsterdam, July 3, 1805, No. 52 (260 florins, Roos) ; the dimensions were similar, but the picture did not bear the same title. 23. The Good Samaritan. The Samaritan has set the traveller on his horse. Near them is a dog. To the right is a castle beside a river, with a stone bridge. In the distance is a high mountain. Canvas, 16 inches by 20^ inches. Sale. J. Odon, Amsterdam, September 6, 1784, No. n. 24. ST. MICHAEL. Sm. 85. [Pendant to 25.] Panel, 24 inches by 18 inches. Salf. (Probably) Amsterdam, June 4, 1727, No. 14 or 15. In the collection of Gerard Braamcamp, 1752 (Hoet, ii. 510).