Page:Hofstede de Groot catalogue raisonné, Volume 2, 1909.djvu/28

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12 AELBERT CUYP SECT. A. and S. de Groot, The Hague, March 20, 1771 (21 florins, Zion). London, 1807 (304 : ios., Gosforth). T. Emmerson, London, 1829 (155 : 8s.). H. de Kat, Paris, May 2, 1866, No. 16 (1330 francs). 11. PHILIP BAPTISING THE EUNUCH. Strongly in- fluenced by Van Vliet's etching. In the collection of Baron Gustave de Rothschild, Paris. i la. Philip baptising the Eunuch. Signed A. Cujp ; canvas, 48 inches by 60 inches. Sale. Amsterdam, November 26, 1827, No. 14 (71 florins, Gruyter). 12. Philip Baptising the Eunuch. Sm. 36. A hilly landscape under a splendid sunset. The eunuch in rich Oriental costume kneels on the edge of a stream, to be baptised by Philip. He is attended by several slaves. Two of them are on horseback behind the carriage, which is drawn by two white horses and shaded by a large canopy. On the opposite side the view extends over an open country, bounded by mountains. Canvas, 43 inches by 64 inches. Mentioned by Waagen (Suppl. 411) and by Ch. Blanc, Le Trctor de la Curio site, ii. 108. Sales. Comte de Vismes (Sm.) or Page (Blanc), Paris, 1786 (6500 francs). Le Bas Courmont, Paris, 1794 (40,800 assignats). Duke of Buckingham, London, 1848 (1543 IOS M T. B. Brown). In the collection of Sir Hugh Hume Campbell, Marchmont House, London, 1857. i2a. Philip baptising the Eunuch. Sale. Bryant, London, 1865 (77 145., bought in). 13. St Sebastian. With many accessories. [Pendant to a "Mercury" (16).] Copper. This picture and a " Mercury " were on the inner sides of the doors of an ebony casket inlaid with tortoise-shell. Sale. J. van der Linden van Slingeland, Dordrecht, August 22, 1785, No. 83. 14. A Hermit writing in his Cell. Canvas, 9 inches by 7 inches. In the Palace, Hanover, 1863 (Parthey, i. 720). 15. A Hermit in a River Landscape with Ruins. Panel, 22 inches by 31 inches. Sales. Lady Page Turner and others, London, February 21, 1903, No. 82. London, March 31, 1906, No. 89. 1 6. Mercury. Standing on a globe, with many figures at the back. [Pendant to a "St. Sebastian" (16).] Copper. See note to 13