Page:Hofstede de Groot catalogue raisonné, Volume 2, 1909.djvu/283

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vin PHILIPS WOUWERMAN 267 horses and people are bathing. The colours are exceptionally brilliant, and the light and shade very fine. Signed in the left-hand bottom corner with the full monogram j panels, 14^ inches by 19^ inches. Sale. Dowager Boreel, Amsterdam, September 23, 1814, No. 23 (2825 florins, De Vries). In the Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam, 1907 catalogue, No. 2710; it was there in 1829 (Sm.). 44. A RIDING-SCHOOL IN THE OPEN. Sm. 454. On the right a man in blue on a dappled-grey horse, with his back to the spectator, halts to converse with a stout man standing farther right. Near them a groom leads out a horse from its stable in a ruinous building covered with creepers. Farther back is a garden wall, with an arbour behind it, from which a gentleman, lady, and child watch the foreground scene. In the centre a rider whips his horse, which is tied to a post and kicks out behind. A woman with a child in her arms runs left towards the foreground. A boy with a large hat and a hoop points at the woman, behind whom are a groom and a gentleman with his back to the spectator. In the centre, at the back under the arbour, a gentleman is mounting a horse which has its head to the front and is held by a page. In the left background is a hilly landscape with a round tower amidst trees. Signed in the right-hand bottom corner with the full monogram ; canvas, 19 inches by 24^ inches. In the collection of A. L. van Heteren (Hoet, ii. 461), with which it went in 1809 to the Rijksmuseum. In the Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam, 1907 catalogue, No. 2713. 45. A RIDING- SCHOOL IN THE OPEN (or, Trying Horses). Sm. Suppl. 144. In front of the arched gateway of a castle to the right, on the ruined walls of which one cannon alone remains, an officer rides a white horse round a post. To the left two grooms hold other horses belonging to two gentlemen who are on the right, looking on. On the extreme right is a broken column, on the base of which a boy is climbing, while a mother lifts up her child to it. In front of them are a woman selling vegetables and a maid-servant with a basket on her head. To the left is a broad river ; in the foreground a horse and an ass are drinking ; in the water near them are a woman and a boy, while farther away boys are bathing. In the extreme left foreground are the bows of a boat at anchor, in the distance is a fertile river-landscape with hilly banks. A good picture of the master's best period. Signed in the right-hand bottom corner with the full monogram ; canvas, 30^ inches by 48 inches. Formerly in one of the Prussian Royal Palaces. In the Kaiser Friedrich Museum, Berlin, 1906 catalogue, No. 899 ; it was in the Berlin Museum, 1842 (Sm., who valued it at .700). 46. A RIDING-SCHOOL IN THE OPEN (or, Exercising and Breaking-in Horses). Sm. 252. On the left, a little way back, a coach drawn by two greys has stopped. A gentleman who has alighted