Page:Hofstede de Groot catalogue raisonné, Volume 2, 1909.djvu/314

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298 PHILIPS WOUWERMAN SECT. with a child in her arms and two travellers are resting. [Probably identical with 152.] Signed (according to Waagen) ; panel, 14 inches by 18^ inches. Mentioned by Waagen (Suppl. 164). Exhibited at the Royal Academy Winter Exhibition, London, 1877, No. 193. Sale. La Prade, Paris, April 19, 1776 (2400 francs). In the collection of Abraham Robarts, 1829 (Sm.). In the collection of A. J. Robarts, London. 134. THE VILLAGE SMITHY. To the right, on slightly rising ground, stands a saddled grey horse in profile to the right, held by a rider in a yellow doublet. It is having its near hind-hoof shod. The farrier hammers in the nails ; another rider with a large hat holds the foot. In front, towards the left, are two ragged boys. To the right is a grind- stone. Behind it a dark horse with its head turned away is fixed in a frame, while a groom forcibly opens its mouth. In the right middle distance is a thatched cottage. From the left a horseman comes galloping. Farther away is a man on foot. In the centre of the background is a church tower, with a windmill to the left. A very fine picture of the early period. Exceptionally clear and full of colour. Signed in the right-hand bottom corner, on the wooden frame of the grindstone, with the full monogram ; panel, 18 inches by 28 inches. Mentioned by Parthey (ii. 804); by Bredius, Zeitsc hr ift fttr bildende Kunst, 1890, p. 192 ; and by Hofstede de Groot, Sammlung Schubart, p. 37. Exhibited at Leipzig, 1889, No. 272. Exhibited at the Royal Academy Winter Exhibition, London, 1902, No. 196. In the collection of the Duke of Courland and Sagan. In the collection of the Prince zu Hohenzollern-Hechingen, Lowenberg. Sale. Dr. M. Schubart, Munich, October 28, 1899, No. 85 (19,000 marks). In the Heshuyzen collection, Haarlem. In the collection of George Salting, London. 135. SHOEING A HORSE. A hilly landscape with a rock on which stands a castle. In front a horse is being shod. Near it is a waggon. Panel, 13^ inches by 12 inches. Mentioned by Waagen (Suppl. 89). In the collection of the Marquess of Hertford, London, 1857 (Waagen). In the Wallace Collection, London, 1901 catalogue, No. 144. 136. A FARRIER'S SHOP WITH FOUR CAVALIERS. Sm. 58 and Suppl. 55. Four cavaliers have halted. One holds a white horse, while two men examine its near fore-foot. To the right is a trumpeter. On the left is the smith's forge at which two men are work- ing. Near it sits the mistress, with a child in a chair. On the right three children are walking on stilts ; one has tumbled down. [Compare 120. Possibly identical with 137.] Panel, 13^ inches by 16 inches. Mentioned by Waagen (iii. 263). In the collection of W. Lormier, 1752 (Hoet, ii. 447) ; he had acquired it from Jaques de Roore (485 florins), as noted in his store-room catalogue, December 1754, No. 343.