Page:Hofstede de Groot catalogue raisonné, Volume 2, 1909.djvu/318

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3 o2 PHILIPS WOUWERMAN SECT. Sale. Martin Robijns, Brussels, May 22, 1758 (Terw. 1 8 8), No. 37 (124 florins, with pendant). 145*7. A Farrier's Shop. With horses and figures in a landscape. 13 inches by 13! inches. Sale. Martin Robijns, Brussels, May 22, 1758 (Terw. 1 88), No. 38 (42 florins 10). 145^. A Farrier's Shop. With horses and figures. 1 6 inches by 2o inches. Sale. P. van Dorp, Leyden, October 16, 1760, No. 39 (6 florins 10). 145^. A Farrier's Shop in a Camp. Sm. 64. Horses and figures. Panel, 19 inches by 15! inches. In the collection of Willem Lormier, The Hague, 1752 (Hoet, ii. 447) ; in his store- room catalogue of December 1754, No. 349. Sale. W. Lormier, The Hague, July 4, 1763 (Terw. 336), No. 335 (335 florins). . A Farrier's Shop. A horse is being shod. Sale. Willem van Wouw and others, The Hague, May 29, 1764, No. 158. 146. A Farrier's Shop. In front of a farrier's shop is a loaded waggon. The horses have been taken out ; one is being shod. Farther away are a horseman and other figures, and accessories. Canvas, 28 inches by 2i inches. In the collection of A. de la Court van der Voort, Leyden. Sale. Catharina Backer, widow of A. de la Court, Leyden, September 8, 1766, No. 62 (450 florins, Diodati). 147. The Camp Farrier. In the foreground of a hilly landscape, in front of a cave serving as forge, a farrier is shoeing a horse, held by a man. The rider looks on. A man on an ass comes riding down a hill ; farther away are other figures. Panel, 15^ inches by 13 inches. Sale. J. G. Cramer, Amsterdam, November 13, 1769, No. 103 (14 florins, Fouquet). 148. Horseman at a Farrier's Shop. Sm. 83. To the left is a cottage. A horseman halts to drink a glass of wine, which a woman hands up to him. Nearer the front a boy holds a horse which two farriers are shoeing, while the rider looks on. Near the house is a hill with trees. On the road a man is coming down the hill. To the right are a river and a watermill, with an angler. Under the trees on the hill sit a man and a woman with a child. Canvas, 28 inches by 30 inches. Sales. Pieter de Klok, Amsterdam, April 22, 1744 (Hoet, ii. 134), No. 63 (800 florins). Gerard Braamcamp, Amsterdam, July 31, 1771, No. 276 (1000 florins, A. van den Bogaerde).