Page:Hofstede de Groot catalogue raisonné, Volume 2, 1909.djvu/321

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vni PHILIPS WOUWERMAN 305 158. A Farrier's Shop. Sm. 161. In front a boy holds a white horse, which two men are shoeing. A soldier with a cuirass stands beside another horse and watches them. Another soldier is also waiting. Near the house a woman and two children watch two men fastening a restive horse in a frame. In the foreground are a dog and some fowls. Farther back, near a ruined castle, are sportsman and dogs. [Pendant to 774.] Panel, ii inches by 15 inches. Sales. Leboeuf, Paris, April 8, 1783 (6101 francs, with pendant). B * * *, Paris, 1827 (8000 francs, separately, De la Hante). 159. A Farrier's Shop in a Camp. Near a tent, a farrier is shoeing a horse, while the rider looks on. Near him are two horses, ridden by a soldier and by a woman with a child in her arms. There are many other figures, including a pair of lovers, and festive people round a fire. Farther back soldiers are seated on the ground, playing cards. In the distance is the camp. [Possibly identical with 163.] Panel, 13^ inches by 16 inches. Sales. J. F. Beschey, Antwerp, August 21, 1786, No. 6 (831 florins, Beeckman). B. Beeckman, Rotterdam, June 9, 1828, No. 28 (230 florins, Lamme). 1 60. A Farrier shoeing a Horse. Sm. 367. A barren land- scape. Under high rocks on the right is a cave serving as a farrier's shop. In front of it three cavaliers have halted. Two have dismounted. One of their horses, standing in the centre and in profile, is having its near fore-foot shod ; a man holds its head, while the rider stands by. Near him are a child with a broom and a sleeping dog. To the left of the farrier are a man and a horse, seen from the back. In front are a dog and some hens. On the opposite side and farther away a man and woman are resting, and a man and boy descend a hill. In the distance is a shepherd with his flock. "An excellent little picture" (Sm.). 13! inches by i6 inches. Sale. F. van de Velde, Amsterdam, September 7, 1774, No. 113 (700 florins, Wubbels). In the collection of Philip Lake Godsall, London, 1829 (Sm.). 1 6 1. A Farrier's Shop. Men are shoeing a grey horse, held by a boy, in front of a farrier's shop. Near them are two riders, one standing by his horse, the other mounted. A farrier, assisted by another man, is giving a drench to a sick horse which is in a frame. In the shop a man is working at the anvil. There are four other figures in the background, at the end of a bridge near the walls of a fortified town. There are dark clouds in the sky. Panel, 12 inches by 13^ inches. Sale. Chevalier Sebastien Erard, Paris, April 23, 1832, No. 174. i6ia. The Farrier. Panel, 8 inches by 6 inches. Sale. Comte F. de Robiano, Brussels, May i, 1837, No. 732. VOL. II X