Page:Hofstede de Groot catalogue raisonné, Volume 2, 1909.djvu/325

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vin PHILIPS WOUWERMAN 309 round her fore and hind feet. Two peasants on the left, who hold the mare by the bridle, are laughing at her. In the right middle distance a peasant points out the horses to a man milking a goat. [Pendant to 82, also in the Moltke collection.] Signed with the monogram ; panel, 15 inches by 13^ inches. A copy of the two Moltke pictures this and 82 united into one, with a false monogram, is in the Wachtmeister collection, Wanas. Sale. (Probably) Amsterdam, July 4, 1785, No. 41 (25 florins, Fouquet). In the collection of Count Moltke, Copenhagen, 1885 catalogue, No. 88. 171. A MARE AND A STALLION IN FRONT OF A STABLE (or, Restive Horses). Sm. 465 and Suppl. 222. In front of a stable in which two horses stand at the manger, a grey stallion is rearing up and a brown mare is kicking. A groom holds the stallion by a long cord, assisted by a horseman with a stick. A frightened boy has fallen down ; a woman with a child runs away. Farther back are two horsemen. Another horseman with upraised stick comes forward from the right background. Panel, 17 inches by 14 inches. Sale. G. van der Pals, Rotterdam, August 30, 1824, No. 46 (2615 florins, Loef). In the Rombout collection, Dordrecht, 1829 (Sm.). Sale. W. A. Verbrugge, The Hague, September 27, 1831, No. 71 (2650 florins, Brondgeest). Imported into England by Chaplin, who sold it to Brook Greville, who exchanged it with Sm. for another picture. Afterwards in the collection of Charles Brind. Again in the possession of Chaplin, who sold it to E. Le Roy, Paris, before 1842. Sale. D. van der Schrieck of Louvain, Brussels, April 8, 1861, No. 141 (15,000 francs, Laneuville for Dutuit of Rouen). In the collection of the late Maurice Kann, Paris. 1 7 iff. Rearing Horses. 8| inches by 6 inches. Sale. Herman Schuurman, Rotterdam, April 2, 1739 (Hoet, i. 572), No. 9 (31 florins, according to Hoet ; but 50 florins, Willem van der Pot, according to the sale catalogue). 171^. A Stallion leaping. Fine landscape. Panel, 17 inches by 15 inches. Sale. De Neufville, Amsterdam, June 19, 1765, No. 114 (170 florins). 1 7 if. Cows, Horses, and Figures. A brown cow in profile to the right. Behind it a boy on a dark-brown horse stands out dark against the sky. Farther away are a white dog, an ass, and a cow. In the right foreground is a boy in blue facing right. The figures relieved against the sky and the patch of white formed by the dog are characteristic of Philips, but the execution rather suggests the hand of his brother Pieter. In the Czartorisky Museum, Cracow.