Page:Hofstede de Groot catalogue raisonné, Volume 2, 1909.djvu/327

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VIII rHlLirb WUUWi^KMAM 311 1750. Herdsman with Cows and Horses. Sale. Jean Walran Sandra, Middelburg, August 3, 1713 (Hoet, ii. 373), No. 146 (8 florins). 175^. Horses and Cattle in a Landscape. Sale. Amsterdam, May 6, 1716 (Hoet, i. 194), No. 13 (140 florins). 175*:. Three Horses, Cows, and Sheep. Canvas, 13^ inches by 13^ inches (? oval). Sale. N. L. de Wael, Antwerp, May 9, 1769, No. 23 (22 florins, Knijff). Two Horses and Cattle in a Meadow. In the foreground a grey horse stands up and a brown horse is lying down. Farther back sits a herdsman with his dog. To the left are sheep and goats. A hill with two trees on the top bounds the horizon on this side. To the right is an extensive plain. Panel, 13! inches by 10 inches. Mentioned by Paul Eudel, V Hotel Drouot en 1883, p. 135. Sales. Van Schorel, Antwerp, June 7, 1774, No. 84. Lefevre, Paris, February 22, 1883 (3000 francs). 176. A Horse and Three Asses. A greyish-white horse, strongly illumined by sunlight, stands on the bank of a stream flowing between high hills. In the shadow of the hills are a horseman and another man with a dog seen from the back. In the distance, on the slope of the hill, are three asses, one standing and two lying down. Panel, 1 1 inches by 8| inches. Sale. Servad, Amsterdam, June 25, 1778, No. 124 (131 florins, Coljer). 177. Three Horses in a Meadow. Sm. 174. In the foreground at the foot of a dyke three horses graze near an old tree. Farther right two men, a woman nursing a child, and a dog are resting. A man with a pack walks along the top of the dike. A waggon full of people stops at an inn. On the right lie three sheep. In the background is a large sheet of water resembling the Y. The horse nearest the front is most strongly lighted. Panel, 13 inches by 16 inches. Sales. F. van de Velde, Amsterdam, September 7, 1774, No. II2 ( IOO 5 florins, Keizer). P. Locquet, Amsterdam, September 22, 1783, No. 425 (900 florins, Yver). 177*. Horses, Sheep, and Goats. The animals are resting near a group of men drinking under a tree. In the Motz collection, Bremen, 1863 (Parthey, ii. 809). A Grey Horse and Sheep Watering. A grey horse and three sheep have come to drink at a stream flowing at the base of a lofty hill. A horseman in a red cloak and a pedlar follow a road on the top of the hill past a wooden hut. Near the hut three sheep rest beside two