Page:Hofstede de Groot catalogue raisonné, Volume 2, 1909.djvu/333

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vni PHILIPS WOUWERMAN 317 i88/. A Village Merrymaking and Horse Fair. With many figures. [Pendant to ii 65r.] Canvas on panel, 27! inches by 27 inches. Sale. Pictures from Saxony, Amsterdam, May 22, 1765 (Terw. 434), No. 98 (87 florins). 188;'. A Horse Fair in a Landscape. [Compare Sale. Pieter Leendert de Neufville, Amsterdam, June 19, 1765 (Terw. 477), No. 113 (1150 florins). 189. A Horse Fair. Sm. 114. About forty figures and ten horses. Canvas, 22 inches by 24 inches. Sale. Comte Dubarry, Paris, November 21, 1774 (3230 francs). iSgtf. A Horse Fair. [Pendant to 814.] Engraved. Sales. London, 1782 (37 : 6s.). C. Armstrong, London, 1783 (31 : IDS.). 190. A Horse Fair. On an open square in a country town. In front a groom sits on a grey horse which is kicking. Canvas, 25 inches by 31 inches. Sale. Amsterdam, July 4, 1785 (29 florins, Martins). 191. A Merrymaking and Horse Fair. Numerous horsemen. Other men lead unsaddled horses. Another man rides into the watering- place, where men are bathing. A juggler has a crowd round him. in front a cavalier and lady are noticeable. There are children with a goat- carriage ; others are playing games. Booths with a crowd in front, waggons, beggars, and the like, fill the scene. [Possibly identical with 200.] Sales. (Possibly), S. Fokke, Amsterdam, December 6, 1784, No. I. Amsterdam, June 26, 1799, No. 8 (2600 florins, Delfos). 192. A Horse Fair. Sm. 113. More than thirty horses and a hundred and fifty figures. An open country, with houses here and there, and a river on which are boats. In the left foreground is a quack doctor at his stall surrounded by countrymen and women. Canvas, 26 inches by 31 inches. Mentioned by Ch. Blanc, Le Tresor de la Curiosite, i. 247 and ii. 205. Sales. Comte Dubarry, Paris, November 21, 1774 (6000 francs). Tronchin des Delices of Geneva, Paris, Germinal 2, 1801 (4060 francs, Constantin). Cumberland, in his catalogue of the King of Spain's collection at Madrid, mentions a capital picture of this subject. 192*. A Horse Fair. Sale. Richard Halse, London, March 21, 1806 (31 : ios., Marquess of Breadalbane).