Page:Hofstede de Groot catalogue raisonné, Volume 2, 1909.djvu/352

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336 PHILIPS WOUWERMAN SECT. 274. Two Horses. A grey horse stands on a hill ; another horse is coming down. Fine sunshine. In the collection of John Neeld, Grittleton House, 1854 (Waagen, ii. 247). 274*7. Two Riders dismounted from Grey Horses. It is uncertain which Wouwerman painted this. Canvas on panel, 10 inches by 8 inches. In the Schloss, Schwerin, 1863 (Parthey, ii. 813), but no longer there. 274^. Two Horses drinking at a Trough. In front of a house ; a man is at the door. Panel, 15 J inches by 12 inches. Sale. London, February 6, 1897, No. 94. 275. TWO HORSEMEN. With a white dog, at a cottage door. One is lying down ; the other stands. Very early, and not especially good. Signed in the centre with the monogram ; 15 inches by 13 inches. Exhibited at Leeds, 1889. Sale. Eraser, London, May 7, 1904, No. 95. 276. Two Unsaddled Horses. They stand side by side in the centre foreground, in profile to the right. The front horse is light, the other dark ; one is grazing near a tree-trunk. Behind them to the left a man holds a pole in both hands. Behind him, farther left, a countrywoman rides forward. Still farther back a kneeling woman puts a lamb in a basket. In the right middle distance is a river with a stone bridge. In the water, in front of a boat tied to the bank, is a woman ; another in her shift sits on the bank. Signed to the left with the monogram ; panel, 18 inches by 16 inches. Sale. Madame Duval, Paris, November 28, 1904, No. 17 (3500 francs). 277. TWO HORSES AT PASTURE. In the centre fore- ground are two grey horses j one stands in profile to the right, the other lies with its head to the right. On the right, farther back, sits a woman with a child asleep in her arms. At her feet are a dog, some ducks, and an earthenware jug. On the left a man in a red coat is tying a sheep's four legs together. Beyond is a shepherd with his flock. In the right middle distance is a cottage. Behind the horse standing up is a tree with few leaves. White clouds in a blue sky. Signed on a stone to the left with the monogram j panel, 14 inches by 17 inches. Sale. Weyer, Amsterdam, April 24, 1906, No. 63. 278. A HORSEMAN AND A WOMAN SPINNING IN FRONT OF A HOUSE. A grey horse stands facing left in a land- scape. On the right, at the foot of a withered tree in front of a cottage, a horseman sits drinking out of a stoneware mug. Beside him to the right stands a woman with a distaff. To the left is a flat landscape. A horseman in red looks round as he rides away. [Compare 230.] Signed with the full monogram.