Page:Hofstede de Groot catalogue raisonné, Volume 2, 1909.djvu/356

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340 PHILIPS WOUWERMAN SECT> cloak on its back. The cavalier caresses a milkmaid near an old tree to the left. A dog barks at the boy. "An excellent little picture" (Sm.). [Compare 285.] Panel, 1 1 inches by 13 inches. Mentioned by Buchanan, Memoirs of Painting, ii. 265. Sales. Boyer de Fons Colombe (of Aix, Provence), Paris, January 18, 1790 (1601 francs). S. de Sereville, Paris, January 21, 1812 (3160 francs). General Sebastiani, 1814. Chevalier de Crochart, 1815. In the collection of Alexander Baring, 1829 (Sm.). 290. A Sportsman jesting with a Woman. A fine restive saddled horse is held by a groom who carries his master's cloak. To the right people are going hawking. To the left the cavalier interrupts a woman at her work. Canvas, 14! inches by i6| inches. Sale. Baron Pabst van Bingerden, The Hague, September 7, 1842, No. 45 (2000 florins). 291. A HAWKING PARTY; A GIRL AT A WELL. Sm. Suppl. 240. A hawking party pass over a hill by a cottage. One man has dismounted from his grey horse, to caress a young woman at a well. On the other side is a sportsman on a brown horse, with a hawk on his wrist and a dog in leash at his side. A lady and a cavalier precede him. Two peasants at the side salute them. An early picture but rich in colour. Panel, 16 inches by 21 inches. In the collection of Earl Spencer, Althorp, No. 115; it was there in 1842 (Sm.). 292. TWO GENTLEMEN HAWKING, AT AN INN ; ONE JESTS WITH A GIRL AT A WELL. Sm. 224 and Suppl. 84. A cavalier has dismounted from his grey horse and caresses a girl who is drawing water at a well on the right. With his left hand the cavalier holds the bridle of his horse, which stands in the centre, facing almost right. In the middle distance another sportsman with hawk on wrist rides his bay horse under an archway, followed by two dogs and a falconer on foot. [Sm. says, by a woman with a bundle on her head.] To the right is the inn, overgrown with vines. Two boys are plucking grapes ; a woman looks out of a window. Through the archway is a view of a bright hilly distance. In the immediate fore- ground are some fowls. [Probably identical with 697. Compare 294, 296, and 889.] Signed with the full monogram ; panel, 16 inches by 14 inches. Exhibited at Dusseldorf, 1904, No. 405. Sm. describes (No. 184), "The Interior of a Stable," also on panel, which agrees with this, though he gives the size as 15 inches by 13^ inches. It was, he says, in the Sales De Clesne, Paris, December 4, 1786 (6101 francs).