Page:Hofstede de Groot catalogue raisonné, Volume 2, 1909.djvu/362

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346 PHILIPS WOUWERMAN SECT. horse, in relief against the sky. Characteristic but much repainted back- ground. An early and very unusual example, therefore ascribed in the sale catalogue to Cuyp. (Communicated by A. Bredius.) Sale. George Smith, London, May 8, 1901, No. 342. 312* A Rider on a Grey Horse. Panel, 6 inches by 3^ inches. Sale. Donaldson and others, London, July 6, 1901, No. 97. 313. ADJUSTING THE STIRRUP. On the road in front, a gentleman on a grey horse halts, in profile to the right. A peasant adjusts his stirrup. To the right a woman in red is going away ; she faces the spectator and turns her head to the left towards the rider. She carries a little girl on her right arm, and leads a little boy who holds a toy windmill in his left hand. Between the peasant and the woman is a dog. The road, as it goes back, rises towards a building like a castle on a hill in the middle distance. A fine early work, in a brownish tone. [Pendant to 3 OI J- Signed on the left with a monogram, " Ph. W. F," which is not above suspicion ; panel, 12 inches by 9 inches. Mentioned by Parthey (ii. 807-808). Sales. Count Schonborn of Pommersfelden, Paris, May 17, 1867, No. 137 (7500 francs). Etienne Le Roy, Brussels, April 27, 1903, No. 106. In the possession of the Amsterdam dealers Fred. Mtlller and Co., 1903. 3130. A Horseman and Figures. 9! inches by u inches. Sale. Henry Willett and others, London, April 10, 1905, No. 96. 313^. A Horseman and Peasants. A woman by a river-bank. Panel, 16 inches by 18 inches. Sale. Frederick Bower, London, February 12, 1906, No. 115. 314. Two Horsemen halting before a Tent. One rider sits on a grey horse j the other, dismounted, leans against his brown horse. Near the tent are three women. Farther away are a dog, two children, and ducks. At the back a traveller is resting. In the possession of the Paris dealer F. Kleinberger. In the collection of General von Schubert, Berlin. 315. TWO HORSEMEN. In the right foreground stands a grey horse with a blue saddle, facing left. Behind him is a peasant in brown. Another peasant in a greyish-yellow jacket sits on a horse to the left behind a mound ; he is seen from the back in a three-quarter view. To his right is a black dog. In the centre, farther back, is another peasant in a red jacket and grey breeches. In the distance to the right is a shepherd with sheep. Sky with dark clouds. [Pendant to 591, also at Hamburg.] Signed on the right at foot with the monogram ; panel, 8 inches by 7 inches. In the Hamburg Kunsthalle ; E. Harzen bequest, 1887 catalogue, No. 208.